P. 54

THEME 2                      IRRELEVANT SENTENCE

         81. - 88. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
         okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
         bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

        81.  (I) Communities are using many plans to handle   83.  (I)  For  centuries,  people  have  utilised  solar  energy.
            waste and protect the environment. (II) Recycling   (II)  Ancient  people  used  basic  magnifying
            programmes  ask  people  to  sort  and  reuse       glasses  to  focus  light  from  the  sun  to  make  fire.
            materials  suitably.  (III)  Many  individuals  are   (III) Unfortunately, these early magnifying glasses
            unaware of the significance of safely disposing of   were  quite  fragile  and  easily  broken.  (IV)  Today,
            waste. (IV) Schools and such programmes teach       we use solar panels to capture that same sunshine
            about  reducing  energy  consumption  and  waste.   and convert it into electricity to power our homes.
            (V)  All  these  actions  help  keep  the  environment   (V)  This  clean,  renewable  source  continues  to
            clean and healthy for everyone.                     be  a  valuable  tool  and  helps  us  power  our  world

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V             A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V

        82.  (I)  Biodiversity  conservation  is  crucial  for  some   84.  (I)  Elephants  use  their  ears  to  communicate  with
            reasons  regarding  eco-balance  and  the  well-being   each other. (II) They also have long trunks that they
            of  the  world.  (II)  First,  biodiversity  offers  vital   use  for  picking  up  food  and  water.  (III)  They  flap
            ecosystem services such as clean water, fresh air,   their ears and make different sounds to show their
            and rich soil. (III) Second, biodiversity conservation   feelings. (IV) For example, if an elephant is happy, it
            helps  keep  endangered  species.  (IV)  Moreover,   might flap its ears gently and make a soft trumpeting
            raising  awareness  is  essential  to  building  a   noise. (V) However, if it is scared or angry, it might
            conscious culture. (V) Lastly, biodiversity supports   move  them  quickly  and  make  a  more  aggressive
            industries  such  as  agriculture,  medicine,  and   sound.

                                                                A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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