P. 59

CLOZE TEST                           THEME 3

          11. - 15. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada             16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
          numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük            numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
          veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                              veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        Since  the  beginning  of  human  history,  rest  and  sleep    Regular dental care is crucial to detecting any disorders
        (11)---- many benefits for our general health. (12)---- some   or  problems  of  teeth.  Proper  brushing  techniques  and
        may  not  realise  their  importance,  adequate  sleep  and   check-ups (16)---- dental health and stave off detrimental
        relaxation can boost our immune system. Having enough   conditions such as cavities and gum disease. It is important
        sleep will help us fight off illnesses (13)---- when we suffer   to avoid (17)---- intake of sugary snacks and drinks, as they
        from  them.  In  addition,  relaxation  techniques  such  as   can  indirectly  threaten  oral  health.  Following  a  nutritious
        focused  breathing  can  also  reduce  stress  and  anxiety.    diet  and  limiting  the  consumption  of  (18)----  substances
        Furthermore,  it  is  possible  to  boost  sleep  quality  by   that  could  harm  teeth  can  reverse  the  effects  of  poor
        keeping a regular sleep pattern. This can enable people to   dental hygiene. (19)----, taking measures such as regular
        have (14)---- night of better-quality sleep. Overall, regular   flossing and mouthwash can improve resistance to decay.
        sleep and relaxation (15)---- our daily routine can lead to   (20)---- these precautions, one can ensure a strong and
        better physical and mental health outcomes.         healthy smile.

        11.  A) have provided                               16.  A) need to boost
             B) provide                                         B) used to boost
             C) are providing                                   C) must boost
             D) will provide                                    D) should boost
             E) provided                                        E) can boost

        12.  A) Since                                       17.  A) futile
             B) When                                            B) instant
             C) If                                              C) excessive
             D) Before                                          D) inadequate

             E) Although                                        E) robust

        13.  A) constantly                                  18.  A) some
             B) effectively                                     B) little
             C) firmly                                          C) much
             D) adversely                                       D) a bit of
             E) prominently                                     E) none

        14.  A) the others                                  19.  A) However
             B) other                                           B) Therefore
             C) another                                         C) For example
             D) each other                                      D) Moreover
             E) the other                                       E) Afterwards

        15.  A) from                                        20.  A) From
             B) around                                          B) With
             C) during                                          C) Onto
             D) above                                           D) During
             E) against                                         E) Underneath

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