P. 62


         29. - 31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Alternative  healing  practices,  such  as  acupuncture,   30.  The basic idea behind acupuncture mentioned
        have  gained  popularity  recently.  Acupuncture  is  an   in the passage is ----.
        ancient  Chinese  therapy  that  involves  putting  thin
        needles  into  specific  points  on  the  body  to  decrease   A)  putting thick needles into specific points of the
        pain and support overall well-being. Many people see       body to recover
        it  as  a  complementary  treatment  for  many  problems,   B)  warning the energy channels to rebuild the
        including chronic pain, stress, and digestive disorders.   harmony of the body
        The  basic  idea  behind  acupuncture  is  that  the  body   C)  releasing toxins from the body through the
        has  energy  channels,  and  by  warning  specific  points   placement of needles
        along  these  channels,  harmony  and  balance  can  be
        restored.  While  some  scientific  studies  support  the   D)  increasing overall well-being by putting
        effectiveness of acupuncture, others are not sure about    needles into random points
        its mechanisms. However, acupuncture is still popular    E)  decreasing pain by following the energy
        among people who are looking for natural and holistic      channels with fingers
        ways to recover.

        29.  According to the passage, acupuncture is ----.  31.  What is the passage mainly about?
            A)  a popular alternative therapy and has been       A)  The dangers of using acupuncture as a main
               found in China recently                             treatment
            B)  a medical treatment for decreasing stress and    B)  The history of acupuncture in modern
               pain                                                healthcare
            C)  believed to support overall well-being,          C)  The popularity and holistic nature of
               according to studies                                acupuncture
            D)  the best way to get rid of digestive disorders   D)  The effectiveness of acupuncture in treating
               completely                                          specific conditions
            E)  a complementary method to heal some              E)  The benefits of traditional, ancient Chinese
               problems in a holistic way                          medicine

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