P. 65

READING COMPREHENSION                         THEME 3

          38. - 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Ibn  Sina  was  a  prominent  scholar  from  the  Islamic   39.  It is clearly pointed out in the passage that ----.
        Golden  Age.  He  was  born  in  980  AD  in  present-day
        Uzbekistan. He was very famous for his knowledge and    A)  mediaeval scholars did not have much
        wisdom in various fields, including medicine, philosophy,   knowledge of human anatomy
        astronomy,  and  mathematics.  However,  he  is  mostly   B)  Europeans contributed a lot to the Islamic
        remembered  for  his  significant  contributions  to  the   world in the field of medicine
        medical sciences. His most well-known book, The Canon   C)  Ibn Sina is recognised largely because of his
        of Medicine, presented a broad range of medical topics     works in medicine
        in a detailed way. In the book, Ibn Sina gathered a great
        deal of information on anatomy, physiology, pathology,   D)  only a few people know about Ibn Sina’s
        and  pharmacology.  He  described  many  diseases  and     studies in mathematics
        their  treatments  and  emphasised  the  importance  of   E)  medical scientists ignored the significance of
        clinical experience in medicine. It stayed as a standard   practical experience
        reference book across Europe and the Islamic world for

        38.  It  is  understood  from  the  passage  that  The   40.  The author’s primary purpose is to ----.
            Canon of Medicine ----.
                                                                A)  entertain us with historical anecdotes about Ibn
            A)  drew attention from philosophers all over the      Sina
               world                                            B)  introduce the most influential scholars of the
            B)  had a strong influence not only on Islamic         Islamic Golden Age
               countries                                        C)  teach the basic principles of the medical
            C)  contained knowledge about many fields, like        sciences
               astronomy                                        D)  show us the impact of Ibn Sina’s works on
            D)  was the most famous medical textbook in            modern science
               Uzbekistan                                       E)  inform us about Ibn Sina’s great contributions
            E)  was not considered a valuable resource at the      to medicine

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