P. 66

THEME 3                      DIALOGUE COMPLETION

         41. - 48. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
         bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi

        41.  Sue:                                           42.  Clara:
            –   I noticed that you’ve been anxious recently.    –   I’ve  been  feeling  so  stressed  lately,  like  I
                How are you coping with exam pressure?              can’t keep up with everything.
            Steve:                                              Janet:
            –   ----                                            –   Have  you  ever  tried  mindfulness?  It  can
            Sue:                                                    help you connect with your inner self and
                                                                    find peace.
            –   Don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember,
                it’s okay to pause studying for a while to      Clara:
                recharge.                                       –   ----
            Steve:                                              Janet:
            –   You’re right. I’ll try to be kinder to myself.   –   Just lie down in a comfortable position. Do
                Thanks for the advice.                              not judge your flowing feelings and ideas.

            A)  I’m glad to hear that you’ve passed your final   A)  I know it very well, but it’s very expensive to
               exams.                                              practise.
            B)  Indeed, my parents are putting too much         B)  I haven’t heard about it yet. Is it something
               pressure on me.                                     new?
            C)  In fact, I don’t find this exam week as stressful   C)  I’ve heard about it, but I don’t know how to do
               as the others.                                      that.
            D)  We’d better prepare a strict study schedule     D)  I’ve experienced mindfulness. It’s really
               together.                                           relaxing.
            E)  Honestly, I can’t. I’m too tired and feel guilty   E)  Have you ever tried it? Does it work on stress?
               when I take a break.

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