P. 70

THEME 3                           RESTATEMENT

         49. - 56. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca
         en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.

        49.  Acupuncture aims at relieving pain as well as   51.  Avoid  screens  before  bedtime  since  they  can
            improving overall wellness.                         impact your sleep pattern.

            A)  You can either relieve pain or improve your     A)  Limiting screen time after ruining your sleep
               general health with acupuncture.                    cycle will not make a difference.
            B)  Acupuncture is the only way to improve          B)  Powering down electronic devices before bed
               general health and alleviate pain.                  is essential for a deep sleep.
            C)  Neither acupuncture nor relief treatments will   C)  As screen devices may affect your sleep cycle,
               benefit your general well-being.                    stay away from them before bed.
            D)  Alleviating pain and improving health are the   D)  You do not need to reduce your  screen time if
               general aims of acupuncture.                        you can fall asleep easily.
            E)  Both pain relief and improved general health    E)  Using the phone right before bedtime affects
               are the goals of acupuncture.                       your natural sleep rhythm.

        50.  Doctors’ motivation increases when they see a   52.  Anyone should have a basic first-aid kit at home
            patient recover.                                    for emergency situations.

            A)  Whenever a patient heals, doctors start to feel   A)  A first-aid kit is necessary in the event of an
               energetic.                                          emergency, but no one keeps it at home.
            B)  When a patient gets better, doctors become      B)  Anyone who wants to avoid the results of an
               more enthusiastic.                                  emergency must have a first-aid kit.
            C)  The more patients heal, the more doctors feel   C)  Unexpected situations can happen at any time,
               happy.                                              so you had better have a first-aid kit at home.
            D)  If the patient had recovered, a doctor would    D)  It is advisable for everyone to have a basic
               have become motivated.                              first-aid kit at home for unexpected events.
            E)  After a patient feels better, a doctor’s prestige   E)  Everyone ought to keep a first-aid kit at home
               increases.                                          in case of an emergency.

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