P. 74

THEME 3                     PARAGRAPH COMPLETION

         65. - 72. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
         parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
         getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

        65.  A successful surgery involves several essential   67.  During flu season or an illness, we often look
            steps. Firstly, patients are carefully assessed     for certain foods or vitamins that are thought to
            to  see  if  they  are  suitable  for  the  operation.   boost our immune systems. Vitamin C and foods
            ----  Surgeons  perform  the  procedure  while      such  as  citrus  fruits,  chicken  soup,  and  tea
            an  anesthesiologist  monitors  the  patient’s      with honey are popular examples. ---- A healthy
            condition. Following surgery, patients receive      lifestyle, which includes enough sleep, regular
            postoperative  care,  and  regular  follow-up       exercise, stress reduction, and a balanced diet,
            appointments  are  arranged  to  monitor  the       prepares the body to fight infections effectively.
            patient’s condition.
                                                                A)  Since the body cannot store vitamin C, we
            A)  The surgical team then sterilises equipment to     need to get it every day from foods.
               minimise infection risks.
                                                                B)  But our immune system is influenced by many
            B)  Before every surgery, surgeons should              factors, not just one food or vitamin.
               prepare themselves mentally.
                                                                C)  Yet the recommended daily intake for vitamin C
            C)  Finally, the patient can leave the hospital after   is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men.
               a successful operation.
                                                                D)  Also, yoghurt can support digestive health,
            D)  Hospital management is responsible for the         which is closely linked to our immune system.
               treatment of the patients.                       E)  And the bones, muscles, and blood vessels all
            E)  Afterwards, both surgeons and nurses wait for      need vitamin C to stay healthy.
               the test results of the patient.

        66.  Understanding the expiration dates of cosmetic   68.  In  medicine,  ‘a  placebo’  is  a  substance  or
            products  after  opening  is  essential  for  their   treatment that has no healing effect. It is often
            effectiveness  and  safety.  These  dates  show     used  in  clinical  trials  to  test  the  effectiveness
            how long the product will be stable and usable.     of  new  treatments.  When  patients  receive  a
            Using  cosmetics  past  their  expiration  dates    placebo,  they  may  experience  alleviation  of
            can  lead  to  potential  risks,  such  as  bacterial   their symptoms. ---- It is actually because of the
            contamination  or  lost  efficacy.  ----  By  doing   patient’s belief in the remedy’s positive impact,
            so, consumers can use both safe and effective       which is known as ‘the placebo effect’.
                                                                A)  In fact, placebos are fake medicines, like sugar
            A)  For example, some cosmetics, such as               pills.
               sunscreen, should be stored in cool places.      B)  So, placebos show the importance of emotions
            B)  Before using a new cosmetic product, you           in healing.
               need to test it on a small area.                 C)  However, this relief is not due to the placebo
            C)  Overall, read ingredient lists and avoid           itself.
               products with harmful substances.                D)  Besides, it is ineffective for some medical
            D)  Thus, sharing cosmetics with others causes         conditions.
               the spread of bacteria and infections.           E)  In contrast, the other patients receive the
            E)  So, it is important to check expiration dates      actual treatment.
               before using any cosmetic product.

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