P. 77


          77. - 80. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
          anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

        77.  Besin  değeri  yüksek  gıdaları  tercih  etmek,   79.  Cilt bariyerinizi korumak için cilt tipinize uygun bir
            sağlıklı beslenmek için çok önemlidir.              temizleyici ve nemlendirici kullanın.
            A)  Eating nutritious foods densely is important to   A)  The first step in keeping your skin healthy is to
               eat healthily.                                      use gentle cleansers and moisturisers.
            B)  Preferring nutrient-dense foods is essential for   B)  Finding a cleanser and moisturiser for your skin
               healthy eating.                                     type is crucial to the skin barrier.
            C)  By eating essential foods that are nutrient-dense,   C)  It is very important to clean and moisturise your
               one can be healthy.                                 skin with suitable products.
            D)  If you prefer densely nutritious foods, you     D)  To protect your skin barrier, use a suitable
               should eat healthily.                               cleanser and moisturiser for your skin type.
            E)  Eating densely nutritious foods is an important   E)  Using the right cleanser and moisturiser is
               way to live healthily.                              recommended for keeping your skin healthy.

        78.  Etkinliği  bilimsel  çevrelerde  hâlâ  tartışılsa  da   80.  Her gece iyi bir uyku, vücudun iyileşmesine ve
            pek çok kişi akupunkturdan faydalanıyor.            daha iyi çalışmasına yardımcı olur.
            A)  While its effectiveness is still debated in     A)  Every evening, one should sleep well to heal
               scientific circles, many people benefit from        and work more efficiently.
                                                                B)  A good sleep every night helps the body
            B)  Even if scientists still argue the effects of it,   recover and function better.
               most people find relief from acupuncture.
                                                                C)  Nightly sound sleep aids in the body’s
            C)  Although scientists argue its benefits, people     restoration and better performance.
               still believe in the effects of acupuncture.     D)  Sleeping every night contributes to bodily
            D)  Despite the ongoing debates among                  healing and superior functioning.
               scientists, people think that acupuncture is     E)  A good sleep every night is beneficial for the
               beneficial.                                         body’s recovery and efficiency.
            E)  Many people find relief from acupuncture,
               but scientific circles are sceptical about its

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