P. 73

SITUATION                            THEME 3

        61.  You attend a cosmetics expo that showcases     63.  You  and  your  colleagues  decide  to  take  up
            the  latest  skincare  products.  As  a  customer,   running  to  improve  your  health.  As  the  group
            you  express  concerns  about  the  side  effects   discusses  the  snacks  to  take  with  you,  you
            of  a  moisturiser  on  a  stand  since  you  have   notice  that  most  suggestions  are  packaged
            allergies  and  sensitive  skin.  You  want  to  get   snacks. You want to remind them that nutrition
            information  about  the  product  in  this  regard.   is crucial for your health as well. So you say: ----
            So you say: ----
                                                                A)  Let’s focus on the exercise right now; we can
            A)  I want to learn whether it has been                worry about the snacks later.
               dermatologically tested.
                                                                B)  Why are we even discussing snacks? As long
            B)  I don’t care about the ingredients, just tell me   as we’re running, we’ll be fit.
               if it works.                                     C)  We should pack healthier snacks, as nutrition
            C)  I’ve had allergic reactions before, but I’m        is also vital for good health.
               willing to take the risk.                        D)  To me, nutrition plays a greater role in staying
            D)  I heard this brand causes rashes, so I don’t       healthy than exercise.
               want to try it.
                                                                E)  I don’t think nutrition can affect our
            E)  I’m sure your product isn’t safe for people with   performance. Don’t be stressed about it.
               sensitive skin.

        62.  You  are  a  family  doctor  at  a  local  hospital.   64.  A friend of yours is upset and thinks her teeth
            During  one  of  the  appointments,  your  patient   are  not  white  enough.  Despite  trying  different
            says he has had persistent sneezing, coughing,      products, she has not seen much improvement
            and  a  runny  nose  for  the  past  few  days.  You   and  is  considering  professional  help.  You  are
            diagnose him with a mild case of the common         aware  that  there  are  specialised  treatments
            cold and want to give advice. So you say: ----      available that could help with her concern. So
                                                                you say: ----
            A)  You had better start your treatment journey
               with patience.                                   A)  Just keep using those costly products, even if
                                                                   they don’t work.
            B)  It’s nothing serious. Can’t you see we are
               working around the clock here?                   B)  Professional treatments are too expensive and
                                                                   not worth considering.
            C)  Just relax. It’s quite normal to sneeze from
               time to time.                                    C)  You should just accept it; teeth aren’t meant to
                                                                   be perfectly white.
            D)  You should rest, stay hydrated, and take the
               medication.                                      D)  Cosmetic dentistry can really work miracles for
                                                                   your smile.
            E)  It is time to trust the support of your loved
               ones and the healthcare team.                    E)  It’s probably not that bad, you’re just being too
                                                                   hard on yourself.

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