P. 75

PARAGRAPH COMPLETION                         THEME 3

        69.  Home  health  care  provides  essential  medical   71.  Modern  medicine  and  holistic  medicine  offer
            and personal aid to individuals in the comfort      diverse perspectives on healing. The first one
            of their own homes. It offers a range of services   treats certain areas of the body with scientifically
            to meet the needs of patients. ---- Also, these     proven techniques and medication. In contrast,
            services boost independence and improve the         holistic  medicine  applies  a  broader  method
            quality of life. To conclude, bringing healthcare   rather  than  focusing  on  specific  bodily  parts.
            directly  to  the  doorstep  enables  people  to    ----  All  in  all,  both  methods  help  people  feel
            optimise  their  well-being  within  a  familiar    better, but they do it in different ways.
                                                                A)  Even traditional Chinese medicine dates back
            A)  Home health care providers must have               to a later time than it.
               detailed care plans.
                                                                B)  It considers the whole person, with an
            B)  Regular monitoring can minimise possible           emphasis on the mind, body, and spirit.
               risks for patients.
                                                                C)  Acupressure and acupuncture are two other
            C)  Medical assistance is typically provided by        examples of holistic healing practices.
               trained professionals.                           D)  Depending only on holistic medicine can delay
            D)  Physical therapy and assistance with daily         essential medical treatments.
               activities are some of them.                     E)  Its aim is the alleviation of short-term
            E)  The health care agency is responsible for the      symptoms over long-term wellness.
               coordination of the system.

        70.  Mindfulness  is  being  fully  present  in  the   72.  Ottoman  darushifas   were   hospitals   that
            moment without distraction. It involves paying      provided care for the sick and were famous for
            attention to one’s thoughts and sensations with     their modern medical practices. ---- Sufferers of
            a sense of acceptance. Through mindfulness,         different illnesses sought treatment, and skilled
            individuals can develop greater awareness of        physicians  and  surgeons  practised  innovative
            their inner experiences and the world around        techniques  there.  Darushifas  also  served  as
            them.  ----  Ultimately,  it  is  a  powerful  tool  for   teaching facilities for medical students, and that
            a  greater  sense  of  peace  and  balance  in  the   contributed to the growth of medical knowledge
            complexities of modern life.                        in the region.

            A)  These mental activities are more focused on     A)  Poor hygiene in these hospitals often led to
               achieving specific goals.                           infections in patients.
            B)  It leads to reduced stress, improved mental     B)  These institutions were important centres of
               clarity, and overall well-being.                    healing and learning.
            C)  This may involve thinking about past            C)  Such methods involved vaccinations and the
               experiences or planning for the future.             use of herbal remedies.
            D)  It does not require concentration or focused    D)  Access to healthcare was open mostly to the
               attention.                                          elite and wealthy.
            E)  Other awareness techniques involve both         E)  The staff at darushifas were really dedicated to
               analysis and evaluation.                            their patients.

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