P. 79

IRRELEVANT SENTENCE                         THEME 3

        85.  (I) Insomnia is a common sleep disorder and affects   87.  (I) Essential oils are plant extracts that are made by
            millions  worldwide.  (II)  Due  to  its  prevalence,   evaporating or pressing various plant parts. (II) They
            doctors  prohibit  caffeine  intake.  (III)  They  have   are used in aromatherapy for healing, as the scents
            difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep throughout   in  them  affect  the  brain  when  they  are  inhaled.
            the  night.  (IV)  Moreover,  insomnia  often  leads  to   (III) Dozens of essential oils offer different benefits.
            tiredness and impaired concentration. (V) However,   (IV) The skin can also absorb them. (V) Lavender
            with  proper  diagnosis  and  treatment,  individuals   oil,  for  instance,  is  applied  to  relieve  stress  and
            can  improve  their  sleep  quality  and  overall    anxiety, while tea tree oil is used for acne and insect
            health.                                             bites.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V             A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V

        86.  (I)  Anxiety  is  characterised  by  worry,  fear,  and   88.  (I) Heart surgeries are critical procedures that can
            nervousness.  (II)  It  often  accompanies  stressful   save lives. (II) The heart is a vital muscular organ
            situations or major life changes. (III) Symptoms may   that pumps blood throughout the body. (III) These
            include a fast heartbeat, sweating, trembling, and   operations  require  skilled  surgeons  and  the  latest
            difficulty in concentration. (IV) Treatment options   technology.  (IV)  Recovery  times  may  change,
            include therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes.   but  many  patients  see  improved  quality  of  life
            (V) While occasional anxiety is normal, excessive   within a few weeks or a few months after surgery.
            worry may be a symptom of an anxiety disorder.      (V) Postoperative care is also essential for successful
                                                                healing and the prevention of complications.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                                A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V

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