P. 83

CLOZE TEST                           THEME 4

          11. - 15. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada             16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
          numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük            numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
          veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                              veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        The Code of Hammurabi is a legal code from around 1754   The  wheel  is  one  of  the  most  significant  and  enduring
        BCE. There are (11)---- sets of laws in human history as   inventions  in  human  history.  As  we  still  use  its  basic
        old  as  Hammurabi’s  Code.  It  was  established  by  King   design  in  various  areas  of  life  today,  it  stands  out  from
        Hammurabi of Babylon to govern his people, and there   many (16)---- discoveries. The first examples of the wheel
        were (12)---- 282 laws that were written on a stone pillar   (17)---- to around 3500 BCE in Mesopotamia, present-day
        for all to see. The code covered different aspects of daily   Iraq.  (18)----,  these  early  circular  objects  were  not  used
        life, (13)---- family matters, trade, and crime. The principle   for  transportation.  They  were  instead  created  to  serve
        ‘an eye for an eye’ is famously associated with this legal   (19)---- potter’s wheels to more efficiently shape the clay.
        system, which suggests punishments (14)---- the severity   Nearly  300  years  later,  they  were  adapted  to  a  vehicle
        of the crime. Hammurabi’s Code aimed to create a sense   like the chariot. Since then, they have improved a lot and
        of  order  and  fairness  (15)----  people  and  shaped  legal   become (20)---- used in various modes of transportation,
        systems around the world for future civilisations.  including carts, waggons, and modern automobiles.

        11.  A) lots of                                     16.  A) the others
             B) any                                             B) other
             C) many                                            C) another
             D) few                                             D) the other
             E) all                                             E) others

        12.  A) exactly                                     17.  A) are dating back
             B) obsoletely                                      B) dated back
             C) roughly                                         C) will date back
             D) primitively                                     D) had dated back
             E) devastatingly                                   E) date back

        13.  A) in the hope of                              18.  A) As a result
             B) such as                                         B) For instance
             C) with the help of                                C) However
             D) due to                                          D) If so
             E) in spite of                                     E) In conclusion

        14.  A) might match                                 19.  A) with
             B) should match                                    B) at
             C) may match                                       C) via
             D) have to match                                   D) as
             E) can match                                       E) of

        15.  A) before                                      20.  A) widely

             B) towards                                         B) impartially
             C) among                                           C) hardly
             D) beyond                                          D) initially
             E) through                                         E) separately

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