P. 85

SENTENCE COMPLETION                         THEME 4

        25.  ----, written materials became more accessible   27.  Prehistoric humans lived in nomadic groups ----.
            and widespread.
                                                                A)  as they did not migrate in search of food and
            A)  Since digital technology had a quick              resources
               development                                      B)  when they built houses that protected them
            B)  As soon as books and magazines lost               from predators
               popularity                                       C)  in order that they could grow fruits and
            C)  While ancient people were painting on the         vegetables in their neighbourhood
               cave walls                                       D)  until they began to settle in one place to
            D)  Though the first paper-like writing sheet was     cultivate crops
               papyrus                                          E)  because they wore natural materials such as
            E)  After the printing press was invented in the      animal skins
               15  century

        26.  During the Industrial Revolution, some enjoyed   28.  ----,  he  established  the  Ottoman  Empire  as  a
            productivity and wealth; ----.                      leading regional power.
            A)  instead, it was a period of technological,      A)  Although Sultan Mehmet II contributed to arts
               economic, and social changes                       and sciences during his reign
            B)  therefore, it began in Britain and later spread   B)  Before Sultan Mehmet II ruled the Ottoman
               to other parts of the world                        Empire from 1444 to 1446
            C)  for example, people migrated from rural areas   C)  When Sultan Mehmet II conquered
               to cities to find jobs                             Constantinople in 1453
            D)  however, others faced poor working              D)  As Sultan Mehmet II ascended to the throne at
               conditions and social injustices                   the age of 12
            E)  on the other hand, new machines and             E)  If Sultan Mehmet II made İstanbul the new
               factories made it easy to produce goods            capital of the Ottoman Empire

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