P. 90

THEME 4                      DIALOGUE COMPLETION

         41. - 48. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
         bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi

        41.  Dora:                                          42.  Neil:
            –   Hey, can you help me with my assignment         –   Do  you  know  about  the  Great  Fire  of
                about the key figures in the Renaissance?           London?
            Frank:                                              Ashley:
            –   You  can  study  Leonardo  da  Vinci  and       –   Yes,  I  heard  it  started  in  a  bakery  on
                Michelangelo.  They  contributed  to  the           Pudding Lane in 1666.
                period a lot.                                   Neil:
                                                                –    ----
            –    ----                                           Ashley:
                                                                –   Indeed. Many lost everything they owned,
            –   Exactly! They left a significant impact not         and it took years for London to rebuild and
                only on art but also on science.                    recover from the destruction.

            A)  Oh, it’s a great start! As far as I know, they   A)  Was the Great Fire of London limited to just a
               both had diverse talents.                           few streets?
            B)  I’ve already written an essay about them. Any   B)  I think new building regulations were presented
               other ideas?                                        to prevent such a disaster.
            C)  Yes, I find Da Vinci’s paintings amazing,       C)  It must have been devastating for the people
               especially the Mona Lisa.                           living there.
            D)  Not sure. I want to prepare a project about a   D)  The fire spread due to strong winds to the
               female person.                                      wooden structures of the city.
            E)  Really? I think they are not the ones who had   E)  Do you think this fire was started intentionally,
               a big influence.                                    or was it just an accident?

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