P. 87

READING COMPREHENSION                         THEME 4

         32. - 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        The Agricultural Revolution began roughly 12,000 years   33.  It is implied in the passage that ----.
        ago. It was a significant change in human history that
        transformed  society  and  lifestyle.  Instead  of  hunting   A)  there were some problems with food availability
        and  gathering  for  food,  people  started  farming  as   in the Near East due to climate change
        settled  communities.  This  change  laid  the  foundation   B)  hunting and gathering vanished totally with
        for the growth of cities and civilisations, as crops and   the agricultural revolution
        animals could now be farmed to supply the need. As a     C)  before agricultural practices, people would live
        result, the global population increased from around five   as settled communities
        million people 10,000 years ago to eight billion today.
        The reasons for starting farming varied across different   D)  all the people in the world had the same
        regions. In the Near East, for example, climatic changes   reason for starting farming
        pushed people to find permanent solutions like annual    E)  agriculture means both growing crops and
        plants, while in Asia, increased pressure on natural food   raising animals
        resources  led  to  a  search  for  homegrown  solutions.
        Regardless of the reasons behind it, farming planted the
        seeds for the Modern Age.

        32.  According  to  the  passage,  agricultural      34.  What is the passage mainly about?
            practices ----.
                                                                 A)  The main reasons for the Agricultural
            A)  motivated people to find new solutions to food     Revolution
               problems                                          B)  The relation between the rise of population
            B)  led to the transformation of society and           and agricultural practices
               changed lifestyle dramatically
                                                                 C)  The Agricultural Revolution and ancient
            C)  resulted from increased pressure on natural        civilisations
               food resources                                    D)  Food shortages and transformation to an
            D)  caused people in the Near East to grow             agricultural lifestyle
               annual plants                                     E)  The Agricultural Revolution and its effects on

            E)  resulted in the rise of population in              society and lifestyle
               metropolitan cities

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