P. 89

READING COMPREHENSION                         THEME 4

          38. - 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        The Egyptian pyramids are ancient structures that were   39.  According to the passage, one of the theories
        built in Egypt thousands of years ago. They are famous   suggests that ----.
        for their great size and shape, as well as the mystery
        of their construction. Historians and archaeologists have   A)  Egyptians used methods of engineering
        studied these pyramids for a long time and have come       beyond our current understanding
        up with different theories on their building process. The   B)  the pyramids were built with the help of
        techniques that were used to move and place the stones     complex tools like a wooden ramp
        have been the main points of disagreement. According to   C)  putting the heavy rocks on top was the most
        one theory, the pyramids were constructed by thousands     difficult part of the construction
        of workers who used simple tools like ropes and wooden
        ramps  to  move  huge  stones.  Another  theory,  on  the   D)  the workers did not have to put in much
        other hand, claims that the Egyptians applied developed    physical effort during the building period
        engineering  techniques  that  we  still  cannot  fully   E)  thousands of different mechanisms were used
        understand today. Despite these hypotheses, the exact      to move the stone blocks
        methods that were used to build the pyramids remain a
        topic of discussion.

        38.  It is stated in the passage that the construction   40.  One can understand from the passage that the
            of the Egyptian pyramids ----.                      pyramids’ size ----.
            A)  is no longer a secret, thanks to the enormous   A)  is much greater than most people think
               efforts of archaeologists                        B)  was decided by the skilled workers of ancient
            B)  has been a subject of argument among               Egypt
               scholars from different areas                    C)  is less recognised than their building process
            C)  required a detailed knowledge of mathematics    D)  is not the only thing that is known by many
               and geometry                                        people
            D)  involved only the physical capabilities of the   E)  catches much more attention than their form
               early Egyptians
            E)  could not be finished due to disagreements on
               building techniques

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