P. 84

THEME 4                      SENTENCE COMPLETION

         21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
         şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

        21.  Because  the  Great  Depression  led  to       23.  Even  if  myths  are  often  considered  merely
            widespread economic hardship, ----.                 illogical stories, ----.
            A)  it was the result of many factors that work     A)  mythological creatures like dragons and
               together rather than a single cause                 gryphons are imaginary
            B)  many families struggled to make enough          B)  heroes like Hercules are mostly known for their
               money and provide for their basic needs             strength and wisdom
            C)  it began in the United States and spread to     C)  Zeus, Apollo, and Poseidon are the most
               nearly all countries                                important figures of Greek mythology
            D)  the economy was excellent, and many made        D)  they describe some heroes and monsters as
               a lot of money from stocks                          immortal beings
            E)  it came to an end in the United States when     E)  they continue to inspire art, literature, and
               World War II started                                popular culture today

        22.  Although the Maya civilisation collapsed in the   24.  ---- but then faced internal and external pressures
            9  century, ----.                                   that caused it to lose power.
            A)  the cause was probably environmental            A)  Osman Ghazi established the principality of the
               damage, wars, and political instability             country in Anatolia
            B)  they were the indigenous people of Mexico       B)  The Byzantine Empire collapsed in 1453 with
               and Central America                                 the fall of Constantinople
            C)  historians still study and admire their         C)  The Ottoman Empire reached its peak during
               architecture and cultural achievements              the 16  and 17  centuries
            D)  their basic diet consisted of chilli peppers,   D)  During the 15  and 16  centuries, many
               beans, squash, and maize                            countries started colonial explorations
            E)  they carefully observed planets and stars to    E)  The Ottomans were ruled by sultans with
               create a complex calendar                           absolute authority

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