P. 88


         35. - 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        In  July  1518,  something  strange  happened  in   36.  Which of the following is true about ‘the Dancing
        Strasbourg, a town in Europe. A woman named Frau        Plague of 1518’ according to the passage?
        Troffea  suddenly  began  dancing  uncontrollably  in  the
        streets. Surprisingly, more and more people joined her,   A)  Authorities implemented effective measures to
        and  despite  experiencing  exhaustion,  pain,  and  even   stop it.
        injuries,  the  dancers  were  unable  to  stop.  Authorities   B)  It did not end until September 1518 when it lost
        could not explain it; they thought maybe it was caused     its effect.
        by  supernatural  things  or  overheated  blood.  Officials   C)  It was an unusual case that had a great impact
        organised public dances, as they thought more dancing      throughout Europe.
        would be the solution. However, this intervention was
        useless,  and  the  dancers  started  to  collapse.  After   D)  People in town were slightly affected by it,
        roughly two months, it began to fade away on its own       thanks to the medicals.
        and eventually stopped. This event is called ‘the Dancing   E)  It is still a mystery for a few people from the
        Plague of 1518’, and there are still arguments among       intellectual circle.
        historians, psychologists, and medical experts about the
        possible causes of this puzzling incident in history.

        35.  It  can  be  understood  from  the  passage  that   37.  The  underlined  phrasal  verb  ‘fade  away’ is
            local people in Strasbourg ----.                    closest in meaning to ----.
            A)  experienced an event that included dancing      A)  remain
               willingly                                        B)  inhabit
            B)  believed that the reason for dancing might be   C)  vanish
               unnatural forces
                                                                D)  compile
            C)  continuously discussed the possible causes of
                                                                E)  construct
               ‘the Dancing Plague’
            D)  organised public events in an attempt to stop
            E)  witnessed an epidemic that was initiated by a

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