P. 93

DIALOGUE COMPLETION                         THEME 4

        47.  Helen:                                         48.  Archaeologist:
            –   Trade  began  as  a  barter  system;  people    –   ‘Taş Tepeler’ is an area in Şanlıurfa, and it
                exchanged  objects  or  used  them  as              is full of ancient archaeological sites. It’s a
                currency.                                           treasure house of history!
            Luke:                                               Reporter:

            –   ----                                            –   Wow! What did you find there?
            Helen:                                              Archaeologist:
            –   Well, for example, while some used shells       –   ----
                or  pearls  as  currency,  others  traded       Reporter:
                animal skins for food.
                                                                –   So, it’s like stepping back in time.
            –   Wow!  The  trading  methods  of  ancient        A)  Our researchers studied some ancient
                societies are really creative.
                                                                   pottery-making techniques.
                                                                B)  We unearthed a hidden treasure chest that is
            A)  Did traders negotiate prices in the barter         filled with gold and jewels.
               system in ancient times?
                                                                C)  Excavations provided unexpected findings
            B)  When did these alternative forms of currency       about our ancient past.
               first emerge?
                                                                D)  We found a secret underground tunnel that led
            C)  What were the typical animals that ancient         to an empty chamber.
               people exchanged?
                                                                E)  We discovered unusual T-shaped stones and
            D)  How did prehistoric traders find the method of     abandoned settlements.
            E)  What kind of things did they use instead of
               coins or bills?

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