P. 97

SITUATION                            THEME 4

        61.  You are a History department student and have   63.  You and a friend are visiting a museum about
            a  keen  interest  in  the  Inca  civilisation.  When   ancient  Mesopotamia.  You  see  some  clay
            you visit Cusco, the historic capital of the Inca   tablets.  Your  friend  reads  the  accompanying
            Empire, you meet a local historian. To learn as     information  and  learns  that  they  are  about
            much as possible about the Incas’ way of life       trading.  She  thinks  that  all  tablets  were  used
            and  their  social  structures,  you  want  to  ask   only to keep trade records, and she asks you
            him a question. So you say: ----                    to be sure. You know that they were written for
                                                                other purposes as well, so you say: ----
            A)  How did the Incas’ daily routines reflect their
               beliefs and values?                              A)  Actually, no. They were only used to record
                                                                   and transmit information.
            B)  How did the Incas manage to construct
               Machu Picchu?                                    B)  Yes, not just the Sumerians but also the Hittites
            C)  What happened after the fall of the Inca           wrote on clay tablets.
               Empire?                                          C)  No, tablets have been found in other fields like
            D)  What civilisations lived here other than the       politics or philosophy too.
               Incas?                                           D)  Well, they were prevalent in the Near East in
                                                                   the Bronze and Iron Ages.
            E)  What were some of the military challenges the
               Inca Empire faced?                               E)  Yes, cuneiform was the first form of writing that
                                                                   was used on clay tablets.

        62.  You have read many sources about mediaeval     64.  You have a deep interest in history, and a friend
            Europe.  However,  it  was  not  until  you  read  a   of yours is asking for your opinion on a history
            particular book that you really gained a much       project. He wants to write about one of history’s
            deeper understanding of the social landscape        greatest  people,  but  he  wants  this  person  to
            of the period. You are excited to find it and want   be someone who is not commonly known. You
            to give advice to your friends. So you say: ----    have a name in mind. So you say: ----
            A)  Whenever you have a question in mind, you       A)  Why don’t you write about Julius Caesar, who’s
               can always find a good source.                      a well-known figure in history?
            B)  This has been an eye-opening book for me. I     B)  How about Hatshepsut, the second female
               highly recommend it.                                pharaoh of ancient Egypt?
            C)  Feel free to ask if there is ever something you   C)  If I were you, I’d choose Albert Einstein since
               wonder about the era.                               he keeps inspiring generations.
            D)  Here are many books that explore different      D)  How about changing the topic to an important
               aspects of mediaeval Europe.                        event in history that isn’t widely known?
            E)  The mediaeval period was marked by              E)  I wouldn’t recommend choosing Leonardo da
               feudalism, crusades, and the Black Death.           Vinci, as his works are widely studied.

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