P. 96

THEME 4                             SITUATION

         57. - 64. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
         olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

        57.  While  hiking  with  a  friend,  you  see  ancient   59.  You  are  supposed  to  create  a  short  video
            rock  formations  and  discuss  theories  about     about the Sumerians for your history class. As
            the  lives  of  prehistoric  humans.  While  your   they  were  one  of  the  most  developed  ancient
            friend claims that those times and the modern       civilisations,  you  do  not  want  to  miss  any
            world are very different, you actually think that   important details. You feel anxious, so you ask
            they are similar in many respects. To give an       your teacher: ----
            example of this, you say: ----
                                                                A)  I’m not a huge fan of being on camera. Could I
            A)  Despite the technological changes, our basic       instead write a paper?
               needs are similar.
                                                                B)  I’m nervous about making the video on time.
            B)  I understand you, but I still think our lives are   Can you give me extra time, Sir?
               very different from theirs.
                                                                C)  Sir, do you believe I should study another
            C)  We don’t have to worry about hunting for our       ancient civilisation?
               food or defending ourselves.                     D)  I think I should focus on their contributions to
            D)  We’re similar as we still seek shelter, food,      writing, right?
               and bonding, just like them.                     E)  Sir, I’m worried about my video. How can I
            E)  If I had lived in those times, I’d not have been   make sure it hits the key points?
               able to hunt.

        58.  While  shopping  at  an  antique  store  with  a   60.  You  are  an  archaeology  professor  who  is
            friend, you see a collection of Ottoman Empire      leading  a  team  of  students  on  an  excavation.
            artefacts. As you examine the intricate designs     During  the  dig,  you  notice  that  one  student
            and handiwork of the items, you mention the         is  holding  a  delicate  clay  figurine  carelessly.
            significance  of  the  empire’s  cultural  heritage   With  the  historical  significance  of  the  artefact
            with admiration. So you say: ----                   in mind, you want to warn him politely. So you
                                                                say: ----
            A)  I’m fascinated with every detail of the Ottoman
               Empire’s cultural legacy.                        A)  Hey, what are you doing? You’re handling that
                                                                   figurine as if it were a toy!
            B)  Ottoman heritage is priceless, but we have a
               focus on it in the present art.                  B)  Be more cautious with it, please. Every item
                                                                   here is of great importance.
            C)  Everyone knows about the Ottoman
               civilisation’s cultural contributions.           C)  You’ve broken it! Do you have any idea how
                                                                   valuable that artefact was?
            D)  These artefacts are probably fake. I doubt that
               they’re authentic pieces.                        D)  Be more careful, or you’ll be off this excavation
                                                                   team before you know it.
            E)  It’s amazing to see modern handmade pieces,
               as they reflect the culture.                     E)  Calm down! You don’t always have to follow
                                                                   excavation protocols.

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