P. 98

THEME 4                     PARAGRAPH COMPLETION

         65. - 72. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
         parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
         getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

        65.  The  Graeco-Persian  Wars  were  a  series     67.  ----  For  instance,  when  a  woman  becomes
            of  conflicts  that  were  between  the  Greek      engaged, she is gifted a special necklace with
            city-states  and  the  Persian  Empire  in  the  5    two  bands  of  beads  that  are  twisted  around
            century  BCE.  ----  They  ended  with  famous      each other. On her wedding day, she receives
            battles  like  Marathon,  Thermopylae,  and         a large collar necklace that was skilfully crafted
            Salamis. Even though they were considerably         by her mother to wear to the ceremony. In other
            outnumbered, the Greeks were able to defend         words,  beaded  jewellery  serves  as  a  visual
            their  homeland  and,  as  a  result,  drive  the   representation of the wearer’s life journey and
            Persians away.                                      milestones.
            A)  Some states, like Athens and Sparta, had        A)  The Maasai made beads from natural
               different strategies for defence.                   resources before they encountered Europeans.
            B)  Not all Greek city-states participated in the   B)  Beaded jewellery is not just ornamental but
               wars against the Persians.                          also an important part of Maasai culture.
            C)  The Persians failed due to logistical difficulties   C)  The Maasai people are instantly recognisable
               and internal conflicts.                             due to their vibrant clothing.
            D)  The Greeks’ victory in these wars was a         D)  One of the most striking aspects of Maasai
               turning point in Western history.                   jewellery is the variety of colours.
            E)  These wars began with the Persian invasion      E)  Every clothing reflects the weaver’s status,
               of Greece in 490 BCE.                               age, and social role in the Maasai culture.

        66.  One of the most famous marine accidents in     68.  The Silk Road was an ancient network of trade
            history is the sinking of the RMS Titanic. On       routes that connected East Asia with Europe. ----
            the tragic night, the luxurious ship struck an      There were exchanges of many other products,
            iceberg during its first voyage. Despite efforts,   from spices to gold too. The network also played
            a number of people lost their lives on board.       a  significant  role  in  cultural  interaction,  as  it
            ----  These  include  increasing  the  number       enabled  the  spread  of  ideas  among  different
            of  lifeboats,  emergency  drills,  and  wireless   civilisations.  In  addition,  it  helped  establish
            communication  protocols  to  prevent  similar      diplomatic relationships across distant nations.
            tragedies in the future.
                                                                A)  It began when the Han dynasty expanded into
            A)  The ship’s exterior received significant           Central Asia.
               damage after hitting an iceberg.                 B)  Silk textiles were produced almost only in
            B)  The Titanic steadily flooded and finally sank      China at the time.
               as a result of an iceberg.                       C)  In ancient China, silk was even used as
            C)  After so many deaths, the accident led to          currency for a while.
               changes in marine safety laws.                   D)  Silk was once regarded as a symbol of wealth,
            D)  The ship’s band continued to play music to         power, and social status.
               calm passengers.                                 E)  It was named after the valuable silk that was
            E)  It is known that during departure, the crew        traded along the route.
               selected first-class passengers.

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