P. 103

IRRELEVANT SENTENCE                         THEME 4

        85.  (I)  Daily  life  involves  mathematics  in  many  ways   87.  (I) The Magna Carta Convention, which was signed
            that we may not always be aware of. (II) Maths was   in England in 1215, is the first legal regulation of
            developed over time by many civilisations. (III) For   modern human rights. (II) This historical document
            instance, the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks,     limited the king’s powers for the first time and made
            and  Chinese  all  made  significant  contributions  to   the law superior to him. (III) It also guaranteed basic
            the field. (IV) Key figures from these communities   rights, such as freedom. (IV) People could not own
            include  Pythagoras,  Euclid,  and  Archimedes.     or inherit property before. (V) As a result, it set an
            (V)  Each  of  them  improved  and  enriched        example for legal systems in other nations.
            mathematical concepts and methods.
                                                                A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

        86.  (I)  The  ancient  period  before  writing  is  called   88.  (I)  The  Pre-Pottery  Neolithic  (PPN)  is  a  historical
            prehistoric  times.  (II)  During  this  time,  early   period  that  is  marked  by  farming  and  the  use  of
            humans  lived  as  hunter-gatherers  and  used      stone tools. (II) Humans left the nomadic lifestyle
            natural resources. (III) They made tools from stone,   and settled in this period. (III) Archaeology shows
            bone,  and  wood  to  adapt  to  their  environment.    that  PPN  societies  also  domesticated  animals
            (IV)  They  discovered  and  used  cuneiform  for   and  traded.  (IV)  Additionally,  evidence  points
            recording historical events, myths, and literature.   to  the  construction  of  structures  such  as  homes
            (V)  While  much  about  prehistoric  life  is  still  a   and  storage  facilities  by  PPN  communities.  (V)
            mystery,  archaeological  findings  continue  to    PPN sites have been discovered in many regions
            provide information about our ancestors.            worldwide.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V             A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V

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