P. 101


          77. - 80. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
          anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

        77.  Yaygın inanışın aksine, ölülerini ilk          79.  Göçebe bir yaşam tarzı, kalıcı bir yerleşim alanı
            mumyalayanlar eski Mısırlılar değildi.              değişikliği gerektirmediği için göçten ayrılır.
            A)  Ancient Egyptians were not the only ones        A)  A nomadic way of life is distinguished from
               to mummify their dead, contrary to popular          migration by a lasting change in settlement
               belief.                                             area.
            B)  According to common belief, ancient Egypt       B)  The need for a permanent change of
               was not the first civilisation to mummify its       settlement does not distinguish a nomadic
               dead.                                               lifestyle from migration.
            C)  Mummification of the dead was not first used    C)  A nomadic lifestyle differs from migration, as
               by ancient Egyptians, according to popular          it does not require a permanent change of
               belief.                                             settlement.
            D)  Contrary to general belief, mummification of    D)  The difference between migration and a
               the dead was not common in ancient Egypt.           nomadic lifestyle is the lasting change in
            E)  Unlike the common belief, ancient Egyptians        settlement area.
               were not the first to mummify their dead.        E)  As the migration does not involve a permanent
                                                                   change in settlement, it differs from a nomadic

        78.  Kaleler, stratejik konumları ve güçlü savunma   80.  Kürk  Yolu,  Karadeniz’in  kuzey  sahillerinden
            yapıları  sayesinde  düşmanları  uzak  tutmada      Çin’e kadar uzanan tarihî bir ticaret yoluydu.
                                                                A)  The Fur Road was just a trade route that
            A)  Castles were effective at keeping enemies          spanned from the southern shores of the Black
               away thanks to their strategic locations and        Sea to China.
               strong defensive structures.
                                                                B)  There was a road that spanned from China to
            B)  Thanks to castles, important points were able      the northern shores of the Black Sea, and it
               to be defended and protected against enemy          was called the Fur Road.
               attacks.                                         C)  The Fur Road was a historical trade route and
            C)  Castles, which had strong defensive                it spanned from the northern shores of the
               structures, were built in strategic locations to    Black Sea to China.
               keep enemies away.                               D)  The historical trade route that spanned from
            D)  Building castles in strategically important        the northern shores of the Black Sea to China
               places was an effective way to protect against      was the Fur Road.
               enemy invasions.
                                                                E)  The Fur Road was a historical trade route that
            E)  Because of their strategic locations, castles      spanned from the northern shores of the Black
               were strong defensive structures against            Sea to China.

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