P. 102

THEME 4                      IRRELEVANT SENTENCE

         81. - 88. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
         okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
         bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

        81.  (I) The Potato Famine was a devastating period   83.  (I)  The  Inca  were  skilled  weavers  and  often
            of  starvation  and  disease  in  Ireland  during  the    used  black,  green,  yellow,  purple,  and  red  in
            mid-19  century. (II) It was caused by potato blight,   their  textiles.  (II)  They  also  preferred  geometric
            which led to widespread crop failures and caused    designs, especially checkerboard motifs. (III) These
            a severe food shortage. (III) Another example of    colours came from natural sources such as plants,
            this was the Dust Bowl in America in the 1930s.     minerals, and insects. (IV) Each one had a symbolic
            (IV) It resulted in the deaths of approximately one   meaning and was used to show different aspects
            million  people,  while  another  million  emigrated   of Inca society and culture. (V) For example, green
            from  Ireland.  (V)  The  Potato  Famine  had       stood for forests, rain, and farming, while red was
            long-lasting social, economic, and cultural impacts.   associated with power and strength.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V             A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V

        82.  (I)  Atatürk’s  visits  to  Anatolia  before  the   84.  (I) The Enlightenment was a period in history that
            Independence War were important for organising      occurred in Europe in the 17  and 18  centuries.
            resistance and gaining support. (II) He began in    (II)  During  this  time,  many  scholars  and  thinkers
            Samsun in 1919 and travelled to other cities to     believed  in  using  reason  and  logic  to  understand
            unite  the  Turkish  people.  (III)  In  Erzurum  and   the  world.  (III)  English  philosopher  John  Locke
            Sivas, he held congresses to discuss strategies     contributed a lot to the movement with his ideas on
            for  freedom.  (IV)  Battles  such  as  the  Sakarya   social contract. (IV) They questioned the authority
            and the Great Offensive were important for the      of  kings  and  wanted  to  form  an  equal  society.
            Turkish people to win the war. (V) At every place   (V) This period led to the spread of new ideas about
            he went, Atatürk gave inspiring speeches about      human rights and the rise of democracy.
            his vision for a modern and independent Türkiye.

                                                                A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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