P. 106

THEME 5                             CLOZE TEST

         1. - 5. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada                6. - 10. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
         numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük             numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
         veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                               veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        Have you heard of the latest trends in travel? One that   Medical tourism is the practice of travelling to another
        is  rapidly  gaining  popularity  is  culinary  tourism,  which    country  to  receive  medical  treatment  or  care.  Türkiye
        (1)----  food  tourism.  This  delightful  adventure  centres   has gained a strong (6)---- in the global market in recent
        on  exploring  different  cuisines  and  culinary  traditions   years.  (7)----  its  modern  healthcare  infrastructure  and
        that make each region specific. It is all about travelling,   experienced medical professionals, it offers a wide range
        especially  (2)----  experiencing  new  and  diverse  food   of  medical  services  to  both  national  and  international
        cultures. This (3)---- visiting local markets, trying authentic   patients.  Popular  procedures  that  (8)----  by  medical
        dishes at restaurants, or taking cooking classes to learn   tourists  include  cosmetic  surgery,  dental  treatments,
        traditional  recipes.  Travellers  gain  a  better  grasp  of  a   hair transplants, and eye surgeries. (9)---- İstanbul has
        region’s  history,  culture,  and  way  of  life  (4)----  getting   always been famous for its beauty; it is also a hub for
        involved  in  local  food  scenes.  (5)----,  it  provides  an   medical  tourism  now,  as  it  attracts  patients  from  all
        opportunity  to  connect  with  locals  and  create  lasting   around the world. Tourists can take medical care (10)----
        memories through shared meals and cultural exchanges.  the opportunity to explore the city’s rich history, culture,
                                                            and natural beauty.

        1.   A) brings about                                6.   A) convenience
             B) keeps on                                        B) reputation
             C) refers to                                       C) administration
             D) falls apart                                     D) prosperity
             E) goes through                                    E) revenue

        2.   A) in spite of                                 7.   A) In favour of
             B) for the purpose of                              B) Contrary to
             C) instead of                                      C) Except for
             D) as a consequence of                             D) Regardless of
             E) similar to                                      E) Thanks to

        3.   A) should have involved                        8.   A) were sought
             B) used to involve                                 B) are being sought
             C) may be involving                                C) will be sought
             D) could involve                                   D) are sought
             E) is about to involve                             E) had been sought

        4.   A) by                                          9.   A) Since
             B) before                                          B) So that
             C) past                                            C) Although
             D) behind                                          D) As soon as
             E) on                                              E) Once

        5.   A) However                                     10.  A) beside
             B) For example                                     B) beneath
             C) Therefore                                       C) without
             D) Similarly                                       D) from
             E) Moreover                                        E) onto
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