P. 111

READING COMPREHENSION                         THEME 5

         32. - 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Mount  Nemrut  is  an  amazing  place  in  south-eastern   33.  Which of the following can be understood from the
        Türkiye, and it stands tall at 2,134 metres with a real   passage regarding the statues at Mount Nemrut?
        surprise  at  the  top.  When  you  reach  there,  you  see
        giant statues that were built in the 1  century BCE. King   A)  The heads of the statues were carefully
        Antiochus  I  of  Commagene  ordered  the  construction    removed during construction.
        of these statues because he wanted something grand       B)  The statues were actually built to represent
        to honour himself, his ancestors, and other prominent      Roman conquerors.
        individuals  from  the  kingdom’s  history.  Therefore,  the   C)  The statues were originally taller when they
        statues  include  images  of  him,  two  lions,  two  eagles,   were first installed.
        and many different figures, but their heads fell off over
        time due to natural causes. The massive stone heads      D)  The stone tablet with a lion symbol portrayed
        are each around 8–10 metres in height. There is also       a historical battle scene.
        a  large  stone  panel  with  a  lion  and  some  stars  and   E)  King Antiochus I had more statues that were
        planets. Some scholars believe it is a chart of the sky    put up in his honour.
        from July 7, 62 BCE. Today, visitors can look at these
        ancient  wonders  and  imagine  the  magnificence  of
        Commagene’s past.

        32.  One  can  understand  from  the  passage  that   34.  What  is  the  author’s  attitude  towards  the
            ----.                                                statues at Mount Nemrut?
            A)  King Antiochus I was the first ruler of          A)  Appreciative
               Commagene                                         B)  Disapproving
            B)  people finished constructing the statues in just   C)  Indifferent
               10 years
                                                                 D)  Empathetic
            C)  most of the figures were located in north-eastern
                                                                 E)  Concerned
            D)  all the statues at Mount Nemrut are in perfect
            E)  the statues were put up more than 2,000
               years ago

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