P. 115

DIALOGUE COMPLETION                         THEME 5

        43.  Ken:                                           44.  Archie:
            –   This summer, I’m planning to try                –   According to the latest data, there are 21
                something new and exciting for my                   sites  in  Türkiye  on  the  UNESCO  World
                holiday.                                            Heritage List.
            Cemre:                                              Hannah:

            –   What kind of adventure are you thinking         –   ----
                of? Are you seeking outdoor activities or       Archie:
                something even more thrilling?
                                                                –   Well,  it  must  meet  criteria  like  having
            Ken:                                                    outstanding  universal  value  or  being  a
            –   ----                                                masterpiece of human creative genius.
            Cemre:                                              Hannah:
            –   You  should  definitely  go  to  Muğla  in      –   So,  it’s  not  a  surprise  to  see  so  many
                Türkiye for your first paragliding.                 places in Türkiye on the list.

            A)  Actually, I have a few options, but I’m not sure   A)  I didn’t know that. What features do these sites
               which one to choose yet.                            have in common?
            B)  I considered paragliding before, but now I      B)  That’s interesting! So, which specific sites in
               think I might try bungee jumping.                   Türkiye are on the list?
            C)  I don’t care what kind of adventure it is, as   C)  Really?  How can a location become on that
               long as it’s something different.                   list?
            D)  Well, I have paragliding in mind, but I don’t   D)  Wow! What are some examples of places that
               know where to do it.                                meet those standards?
            E)  I’ll try paragliding, but I need someone to     E)  I think it’s not just about natural beauty but also
               guide me. Interested in joining?                    about historical significance.

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