P. 117

DIALOGUE COMPLETION                         THEME 5

        47.  Ella:                                          48.  John:
            –   I’ll attend a virtual tour of the archaeology   –   Where are you planning to go to study next
                museum. But I’m afraid it may not be as             semester?
                engaging as an in-person visit.                 Maria:
                                                                –   Spain! I’ve always wanted to learn Spanish,
            –   ----                                                and being within the culture would be the
            Ella:                                                   best.
            –   Really?  That’s  amazing.  So,  can  you        John:
                interact with the displays just like in real    –   ----
                life, then?                                     Maria:
                                                                –   Definitely,  it’s  the  most  effective  way  to
            –   Yes,  and  it’s  great  to  do  that  from  the     become fluent.
                comfort of your own home.

                                                                A)  Oh, Spain is quite far, and the travel expenses
            A)  Actually, I’ve attended one before, and the        and cost of living might be a concern.
               experience was quite boring.
                                                                B)  Spain is great, but how will you manage your
            B)  It was hard to follow because the audio quality    studies while you’re exploring the city?
               was really terrible.                             C)  Exactly! Learning a language in a country
            C)  The tour was accessible with just an Internet      where it’s spoken can be very beneficial.
               connection on any device.                        D)  Big move! Are you sure about the language
            D)  Well, I found the tour disappointing because       barriers and adapting to new customs?
               the visuals were outdated.
                                                                E)  Spain sounds amazing, but aren’t you worried
            E)  I’ve tried it before, and the 3D views made me     about missing out on things back home?
               feel like I was actually there.

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