P. 122

THEME 5                     PARAGRAPH COMPLETION

         65. - 72. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
         parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
         getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

        65.  The  Hıdırellez  Festival  is  one  of  the  most   67.  In today’s world, performing arts events are key
            famous  traditional  festivals  in  Türkiye.  It  is   attractions for tourists. These events display the
            held on May 6 to celebrate the arrival of spring.   host country’s culture and attract many visitors.
            During  the  festival,  people  participate  in     ----  This,  in  turn,  benefits  the  local  economy
            various rituals. ---- Some also draw their wishes   as  visitors  spend  on  accommodation,  food,
            on  paper  or  objects  and  throw  them  into  the   and  shopping.  Besides,  they  inspire  others  to
            water. The festival’s lively atmosphere makes       visit  by  sharing  their  experiences.  Thus,  the
            it a cherished event that brings communities        performing  arts  are  vital  to  boosting  tourism
            together.                                           and economic growth.
            A)  It is an important seasonal celebration both in   A)  For example, when a city hosts a big play or
               Türkiye and the Middle East.                        dance festival, it becomes a tourist hotspot.
            B)  They make wishes, jump over bonfires, and       B)  Moreover, they include many cultural
               prepare special meals.                              expressions that reflect creativity.
            C)  Numerous ideas have been claimed about the      C)  As a result, music is perhaps the most
               origin of Hıdırellez.                               universal of the performing arts.
            D)  In 2017, it was listed as ‘intangible cultural   D)  However, such gatherings may frustrate
               heritage’ by UNESCO.                                visitors due to potential overcrowding.
            E)  It is associated with the meeting of two        E)  Similarly, popular sports events often appeal to
               prophets: Hızır and İlyas.                          tourists who visit the city.

        66.  The Sydney Opera House is one of the most      68.  Masks  have  been  used  in  many  cultures
            well-known buildings in the world. It is famous     throughout  history.  For  instance,  in  ancient
            for its one-of-a-kind design, which includes a      Egypt, they were worn during religious rituals.
            number  of  tall  white  shell-like  buildings  that   The  Mayans  wore  them  at  important  events
            stand  against  Sydney  Harbour.  The  Opera        such  as  weddings  and  birth  ceremonies.  In
            House’s  sail-shaped  roofs  consist  of  over  a   addition  to  their  cultural  significance,  masks
            million clay tiles and are breathtaking day and     served  practical  purposes  too.  ----  Also,  in
            night.  ----  It  hosts  concerts,  operas,  ballets,   classical  Greek  theatre,  they  were  used  by
            plays, and other cultural events all year long.     actors  to  portray  different  characters  and
            A)  The Opera House was created by the Danish
               architect JØrn Utzon.                            A)  Some societies used them as a form of
                                                                   identification or even as a passport.
            B)  The Sydney Opera House has been a
               UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2007.           B)  They are made of a wide range of materials,
                                                                   like wood, clay, or metal.
            C)  Despite this, its lovely location makes it a
               popular spot for tourists to admire.             C)  Museums frequently display masks from
                                                                   different historical periods.
            D)  For example, visitors can take guided tours to
               learn about its history and architecture.        D)  The placement of gems on masks often held
                                                                   symbolic importance.
            E)  In addition to its beautiful look, it is a
               world-class venue for the performing arts.       E)  People wore them during celebrations to make
                                                                   the events more special.

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