P. 118

THEME 5                           RESTATEMENT

         49. - 56. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca
         en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.

        49.  While  culinary  tourism  motivates  flavour   51.  It is no surprise that ecotourism has grown in
            exploration, some tourists can be reluctant to      popularity  recently,  as  lots  of  travellers  seek
            try new cuisines.                                   sustainable adventures.
            A)  Despite being cautious about new foods,         A)  The rise in ecotourism can be attributed to
               tourists like travelling for culinary experiences   the increasing popularity of eco-friendly travel
               and new flavours.                                   experiences.
            B)  Trying new tastes can be difficult for tourists,   B)  Many travellers have surprisingly turned to
               even if they travel for culinary exploration.       ecotourism to enjoy environmentally-friendly
            C)  Since culinary tourism supports trying new
               cuisines, some travellers feel eager to eat      C)  The recent rise in ecotourism’s popularity is
               local foods.                                        not unexpected since many tourists look for
            D)  Though culinary tourism promotes flavour           sustainable adventures.
               exploration, few tourists are unwilling to try   D)  Ecotourism has succeeded in attracting
               new cuisines.                                       eco-conscious tourists who are looking for
            E)  Culinary tourism inspires travellers to try new    green adventures.
               tastes, but some may be hesitant to taste        E)  While numerous tourists are choosing
               unfamiliar foods.                                   eco-friendly experiences, ecotourism has not
                                                                   yet risen to the expected level.

        50.  Cappadocia  is  known  for  its  geological    52.  Airport security does not permit passengers to
            wonders,  but  it  also  has  a  rich  history  of   carry liquids of more than 100 ml in their hand
            ancient civilisations.                              luggage.
            A)  While Cappadocia is famous for its              A)  It is against airport security regulations to
               geographical beauty, it has few cultures that       have liquids up to 100 ml in passengers’ hand
               have left a mark.
            B)  Despite having rich traditional cultures,       B)  Passengers are allowed to have less than 100
               Cappadocia is not as widely known as it             ml of liquid in their carry-on luggage by airport
               should be.                                          security.
            C)  Along with its worldwide-known geological       C)  Carrying liquids over 100 ml in your carry-on
               features, Cappadocia presents a lot of              luggage is acceptable to airport security.
               historical places.
                                                                D)  Passengers should not have any liquids in their
            D)  Cappadocia offers abundant old cultures            carry-on luggage because it violates airport
               in addition to its well-known geological            security rules.
                                                                E)  The airport security does not let passengers
            E)  Cappadocia hosted ancient cultures that date       carry less than 100 ml of liquid in their hand
               back centuries, besides being famous for its        luggage.

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