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PARAGRAPH COMPLETION                         THEME 5

        69.  Adventure  tourism  involves  exploring  nature   71.  Heritage refers to the legacy that is inherited and
            and  participating  in  outdoor  activities  that   passed on to subsequent generations. UNESCO
            are  often  physically  challenging  or  thrilling.   promotes  the  identification,  protection,  and
            ---- These terms differ according to the levels     preservation  of  this  heritage  under  a  global
            of physical difficulty and risk of the activities.   agreement  and  puts  some  sites  on  the
            Rock climbing, bungee jumping, and skydiving        World  Heritage  List.  ----  The  most  significant
            can be considered in the former, while hiking,      requirement  for  them  to  be  included  is  their
            cycling, and birdwatching are in the latter.        appreciation by humanity worldwide.

            A)  Sustainable practices are important to protect   A)  The list reflects the cultural and natural
               nature during the activities.                       diversity throughout the world.
            B)  It offers opportunities for travellers to engage   B)  The criteria are regularly reviewed and updated
               with the natural environment.                       by the committee.
            C)  It can be divided into two categories: hard     C)  A country must first list its important heritage
               adventure and soft adventure.                       sites within its boundaries.
            D)  Some popular adventure tourism destinations     D)  The ones that are suitable for being on the list
               include New Zealand.                                are defined by that contract.
            E)  It is developing with new trends like           E)  International cooperation is vital to preserving
               ecotourism and wellness tourism.                    historical landmarks.

        70.  ---- It is characterised by its passionate rhythms,   72.  The Sapporo Snow Festival happens every year
            complex  guitar  playing,  and  expressive          in Hokkaido, Japan. ---- Visitors from around the
            singing and dancing. The music often features       world  gather  to  admire  the  beautiful  designs
            emotional lyrics with themes of love, longing,      by  skilled  artists.  The  festival  offers  a  magical
            and  loss.  The  dance  involves  handclapping,     atmosphere  with  lit-up  sculptures,  ice  slides,
            footwork, and dramatic movements. Although          and food stalls that serve delicious hot treats. It
            it is a symbol of Spanish identity and heritage,    is a joyful celebration of winter’s beauty, which is
            it is appreciated worldwide for its high energy     enjoyed by people of all ages.
            and artistic complexity.
                                                                A)  Some say it has become chaotic due to large
            A)  The flamenco guitar is known for its distinctive   crowds in recent years.
               sound and techniques such as rasgueado and       B)  It is a great winter event that features stunning
               golpe.                                              snow and ice sculptures.
            B)  Various regional styles of flamenco have        C)  Therefore, it was cancelled in 2020, which
               developed over time, each with its own              breaks its annual tradition.
               special characteristics.
                                                                D)  While it still preserves the traditional elements,
            C)  Flamenco is a traditional form of music and        it has adapted to modernity.
               dance that originated in the Andalusian region
               of Spain.                                        E)  Hot soup is served there to keep visitors warm
                                                                   in the chilly winter weather.
            D)  Jazz, rock, and Latin music are among the
               numerous musical forms that have influenced
            E)  Flamenco dance has been influenced by
               a variety of cultures such as Romani and

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