P. 127

IRRELEVANT SENTENCE                         THEME 5

        85.  (I)  World  Heritage  sites  are  cultural  and  natural   87.  (I)  Traditional  Turkish  handicrafts  bring  together
            wonders  of  exceptional  value  that  are  protected   the  cultural  heritage  of  different  civilisations  of
            under  international  treaties.  (II)  One  example   Anatolia. (II) Carpet-making, ceramics and pottery,
            is  the  Great  Wall  of  China.  (III)  It  is  an  enduring   and  weaving  are  among  those  traditional  arts.
            symbol of China’s ancient history and engineering   (III)  Weaving  has  been  practised  in  Anatolia  for
            mastery. (IV) Its preservation as a World Heritage   years and is a source of income. (IV) They reflect
            site  ensures  that  this  famous  structure  remains   both  the  artistic  expression  of  their  time  and  the
            undamaged for future generations. (V) Thin layers   diverse  cultures  of  Türkiye.  (V)  Artisans  combine
            of moss and bacteria protect this landmark from the   old techniques with modern designs to keep them
            destructive effects of wind and rain.               alive.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V             A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V

        86.  (I)  The  Pyramids  of  Giza  are  among  the  most   88.  (I) The Lycian Way is a famous hiking trail in Türkiye.
            famous ancient monuments in the world. (II) These   (II) It covers a distance of around 540 kilometres
            huge structures were built as tombs for pharaohs    along  the  coastline  of  ancient  Lycia.  (III)  Hikers
            over  4,500  years  ago.  (III)  The  Great  Pyramid,   can  enjoy  beautiful  landscapes  and  views  of  the
            the largest of the pyramids, is one of the Seven    Mediterranean on the way. (IV) It can be dangerous
            Wonders  of  the  Ancient  World.  (IV)  The  Sphinx   for beginner hikers due to being steep and rocky.
            is believed to guard the pyramids. (V) Today, the   (V) Many travel from different parts of the world to
            Pyramids  of  Giza  continue  to  inspire  and  attract   experience its beauty and challenges.
            visitors from all around the world.
                                                                A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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