P. 130

THEME 6                             CLOZE TEST

         1. - 5. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada                6. - 10. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
         numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük             numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
         veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                               veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        Film  adaptations  of  books  have  been  a  popular  form   Afife  Jale  is  a  Turkish  actress  who  pioneered  the
        of  entertainment  for  decades.  (1)----  the  journey  of   inclusion  of  Turkish  women  on  the  theatre  stage.
        cinematic  adaptation,  many  well-known  books  have   (6)----  the  regulations  against  women  onstage,  she
        been transformed into films that captivate viewers. The    managed to get training and perform in plays. Thanks
        (2)---- for these adaptations often comes from passionate   to her distinctive performances, she flourished (7)---- in
        readers who want to see their favourite stories on screen.   a  male-dominated  industry.  Unfortunately,  she  passed
        Popular film adaptations, (3)---- Harry Potter and Jurassic   away  at  an  early  age  due  to  health  issues.  Her  life
        Park, gained considerable appreciation. However, in the   story has been the subject of many artworks. (8)----, it
        past,  some  adaptations  (4)----  criticism  for  moving  too   inspired the creation of films and literary works, as well
        much  from  the  original  story.  (5)----,  filmmakers  must   as the staging of theatre plays and ballet performances.
        carefully balance staying true to the source material while   Moreover, Afife Theatre Awards (9)---- for years to those
        they  are  also  making  creative  decisions  to  appeal  to  a   who  have  contributed  to  the  art  of  theatre,  and  that
        broader audience.                                   keeps Afife Jale’s name alive. Her courage has been a
                                                            doorway (10)---- many opportunities for women.

        1.   A) Within                                      6.   A) In the hope of
             B) Up                                              B) Despite
             C) Over                                            C) In the event of
             D) Along                                           D) Due to
             E) To                                              E) In addition to

        2.    A) demand                                     7.    A) deficiently
             B) exhibition                                      B) sarcastically
             C) issue                                           C) deliberately
             D) deception                                       D) remarkably
             E) compliment                                      E) seemingly

        3.    A) according to                               8.    A) However
             B) due to                                          B) In conclusion
             C) except for                                      C) Therefore
             D) in addition to                                  D) Besides
             E) such as                                         E) For example

        4.    A) have faced                                 9.    A) have been given
             B) faced                                           B) were given
             C) are facing                                      C) will be given
             D) face                                            D) had been given
             E) had faced                                       E) are given

        5.    A) Otherwise                                  10.   A) over
             B) However                                         B) as
             C) Therefore                                       C) on
             D) Moreover                                        D) to
             E) For example                                     E) off
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