P. 135

READING COMPREHENSION                         THEME 6

         32. - 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Fantasy  fiction  transports  us  to  entirely  imaginary   33.  One can understand from the passage that ----.
        worlds. These stories, which are filled with magic, the
        supernatural, and magical beings, allow us to explore    A)  science and technology are the main
        the impossible. It is considered a genre of speculative    elements of fantasy fiction
        fiction, a broad category for stories that are not realistic.   B)  fantasy fiction is limited to written stories and
        It  sets  itself  apart  from  the  genres  of  science  fiction   has not spread to other media
        and  horror.  Unlike  sci-fi  with  its  futuristic  technology,   C)  fantasy fiction is identical to horror, which
        fantasy depends on wizards, dragons, or even talking       depends on fear and curiosity
        animals.  Horror,  on  the  other  hand,  focuses  on  the
        scary and horrible, while fantasy keeps things exciting   D)  science fiction and horror fiction are more
        and marvellous. Fantasy stories have been told through     popular than fantasy fiction
        writing for a long time, but since the 1960s, they have   E)  fantasy fiction appeals to a wide audience
        also  been  shared  through  films,  TV  shows,  comics,   beyond just young readers
        video games, songs, and artwork. With this explosion
        in  popularity,  fantasy  fiction,  which  was  first  aimed  at
        young readers, is now enjoyed by audiences of all ages
        around the world.

        32.  According to the passage, fantasy fiction ----.  34.  Which of the following could be the best title
                                                                 for the passage?
            A)  is a realistic representation of our world
                                                                 A)  An Analysis of Fantasy Fiction’s Popularity
            B)  is a subgenre of horror fiction
                                                                 B)  Why You Should Begin Reading Fantasy
            C)  is set in an imaginary universe
            D)  has declined in popularity since the 1960s
                                                                 C)  The Magic of Fantasy Fiction for Young
            E)  is exclusively aimed at young readers              Readers
                                                                 D)  Fantasy Fiction: A Journey Beyond Reality
                                                                 E)  A Brief Overview of Fantasy Fiction’s History

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