P. 137

READING COMPREHENSION                         THEME 6

          38. - 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Botanical illustration is the art of portraying the shape,   39.  Why are the illustrations that were discussed in
        colour,  and  unique  characteristics  of  plant  species.  It   the passage used by various experts?
        requires a high level of artistic expertise in addition to
        a  deep  understanding  of  plant  morphology—the  plant   A)  They demonstrate the plant’s anatomy in an
        structure and form. Artists often use various techniques,   artistic way.
        such as watercolour, oil, ink, or a combination of these,   B)  They inspire young biologists to become
        to  create  exact  representations  of  botanical  species.   botanical illustrators.
        The images often include detailed labels, which provide   C)  They help scientists categorise plants into their
        valuable  information  about  each  plant’s  features.     structures.
        Sometimes, they could even show the plant’s life cycle
        and habitat, as well as those of its neighbouring plants.   D)  They include detailed information about diverse
        With such comprehensive descriptions, these illustrations   botanical species.
        are not only beautiful, but they also serve scientific and   E)  They are the most comprehensive sources to
        educational purposes. Botanists, for instance, use them    teach botanics.
        to classify and identify plants, and educators use them to
        teach about plant anatomy. In short, they are aesthetic
        artworks that help us understand plants better.

        38.  It can be inferred from the passage that botanical   40.  The  underlined  word  ‘those’  in  the  passage
            illustrators ----.                                  refers to ----.
            A)  are actually botanists who also know much       A)  the images of plants
               about art                                        B)  life cycle and habitat
            B)  usually mix different colouring techniques in   C)  colouring techniques
               their drawings
                                                                D)  detailed labels
            C)  need to have scientific knowledge along with
               great artistic skills                            E)  botanical illustrations
            D)  get help from educators to write the
               explanations on the labels
            E)  have to be imaginative while they are drawing
               the plant species

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