P. 138

THEME 6                      DIALOGUE COMPLETION

         41. - 48. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
         bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi

        41.  Joanna:                                        42.  Lena:
            –    Have you visited the art gallery downtown      –    Hey  dad!  I  grabbed  a  graphic  novel  from
                recently?                                           the  library  yesterday.  It’s  awesome!  You
            Edina:                                                  should give it a try.
            –    Yes, last weekend. I was impressed by the      Dad:
                range  of  pieces  on  display.  There  were    –    ----
                paintings, sculptures, and handcrafts.          Lena:
                                                                –    Yeah, but that’s why it’s perfect for you. It
            –    ----                                               has pictures and speech bubbles. I mean,
            Edina:                                                  it’s more like watching a film than reading.
            –    Actually,  yes.  I  had  the  opportunity  to      Dad:
                meet one of the sculptors and discuss her       –    Well, then. I’ll have to give it a go sometime.
                creative process.                                   Thanks for the heads up!

            A)  Did you get a chance to speak with any of the   A)  Right! Isn’t it a great way to get into reading,
               artists?                                            especially for those who like history?
            B)  Were there any famous artworks in the           B)  I’m sorry, dear. You know, I have a hard time
               exhibition?                                         concentrating on reading nowadays.
            C)  Did you purchase any artwork from the           C)  I see, but I don’t think I will enjoy reading books
               gallery?                                            with illustrations by that artist.
            D)  Was the gallery very crowded when you           D)  What’s the difference between regular books
               visited?                                            and graphic novels, by the way?
            E)  Did you find the exhibition visually appealing?  E)  Thanks, dear. I need to focus on scientific
                                                                   reading for my thesis right now.

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