P. 141

DIALOGUE COMPLETION                         THEME 6

        47.  Theo:                                          48.  Hector:
            –    How are literary award winners chosen?         –    ----
            Rosie:                                              Helen:
            –    It changes by award, but generally, a panel    –    Sure!  They  are  creative  works  that  use
                of judges reads through the submissions             digital technology as part of the process or
                and selects winners based on criteria.              presentation.
            Theo:                                               Hector:
            –    ----                                           –    So, like computer graphics?
            Rosie:                                              Helen:
            –    There  can  be  numerous  elements,  but       –    Exactly, but they’re more than just graphics.
                literary quality and originality are definitely     They  include  everything  from  digital
                among them.                                         painting to virtual reality experiences.

            A)  What impact do literary awards have on book     A)  Do you want to attend a workshop on creating
               sales?                                              digital art?
            B)  How do authors submit their works for           B)  Traditional painting techniques are better than
               evaluation?                                         digital ones, aren’t they?
            C)  Why do the judges sometimes change their        C)  Will digital art become the main form of artistic
               criteria?                                           expression?
            D)  What factors do they consider in their          D)  Have you ever used a digital tablet? It’s
               evaluations?                                        different from drawing on paper.
            E)  What kind of literary works do they mainly      E)  I keep hearing about digital arts. Can you
               reward?                                             explain them to me?

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