P. 144

THEME 6                             SITUATION

         57. - 64. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
         olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

        57.  At  an  art  exhibition,  you  are  reading  the   59.  You  are  directing  a  play  at  the  theatre  club.
            description  of  a  painting  with  full  attention.   During the final rehearsal, the lead actor loses
            Suddenly,  a  couple  enters  the  gallery  and     his  voice  unexpectedly  and  cannot  perform.
            begins speaking loudly. You become disturbed,       The  show  is  scheduled  for  the  next  evening,
            as  they  are  ruining  the  peaceful  atmosphere   and the audience is supposed to be large and
            with their noisy chat. You want to warn them        excited.  To  make  the  play  go  on,  you  find  a
            politely, so you say: ----                          quick solution and say to the cast: ----
            A)  Hey, keep it down, guys! It’s kind of hard to   A)  We’ll inform the audience about the
               focus with all the noise here.                      cancellation of the play.
            B)  Can you believe how loud they are? I’ll go find   B)  Since the lead actor has been fired, the play
               someone to complain about.                          will not be performed.
            C)  Excuse me, would you mind lowering your         C)  Our substitute actor will play the part, and you’ll
               voices a bit? It’s difficult to concentrate.        help him as much as you can.
            D)  Pardon me, some of the exhibit labels are too   D)  Our play will be postponed to a later date until
               difficult to read due to the font size.             he gets better.
            E)  Listen, I’m trying to enjoy the art here, and   E)  As you know, our lead actor is sick and won’t
               your loud talking is really getting on my           be able to participate in the play.

        58.  For some time now, you have been an active     60.  You are an art student at a university. One day,
            member of a book club where everybody reads         your  professor  assigns  you  to  do  an  original
            a  selected  book  and  shares  their  thoughts     painting in the impressionist style. A day before
            on  the  characters  and  themes  of  it.  As  you   the  submission  date,  you  realise  one  of  your
            were very busy at work, you could not finish        classmates  has  copied  your  work.  You want
            that  month’s  book.  With  shame,  you  need  to   him to redo his painting, so you say in a serious
            express your deepest apologies. So you say:         manner: ----
                                                                A)  I’m sorry; I’ll make sure to come up with
            A)  I completely forgot about the book club            something original by the deadline.
               meeting until this morning, so I’m really sorry.  B)  You’ve replicated my painting! You’d better do
            B)  I apologise to everyone for being late to the      another one before I tell the professor.
               club; it’s just because of the traffic.          C)  Don’t stress about it too much. Just try to add
            C)  I regret to say that I started reading the book,   your own creativity to the painting.
               but it just didn’t hold my interest, so I decided   D)  Ah, there seems to have been a mix-up. Could
               to stop.                                            you please change your painting?
            D)  I’m so sorry for not reading the book due to    E)  I noticed our paintings look quite similar, but it’s
               the family emergency situation last week.           not a problem. I understand.
            E)  My work has been extremely demanding
               lately; please accept my sorries for skipping
               the book.

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