P. 149


          77. - 80. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
          anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

        77.  Sözlü gelenek, yalnızca tarihle ilgili hikâyeler   79.  Osmanlı  cam  sanatında  başlangıçta  Selçuklu
            anlatan  sözlü  tarihin  aksine  masalları,         etkisi  hâkim  olmasına  rağmen  zamanla  özgün
            efsaneleri ve ritüelleri içerir.                    bir üslup ortaya çıktı.

            A)  Although oral history concentrates on           A)  Even though the Seljuk dominantly influenced
               historical tales and stories, oral tradition        Ottoman glass art at first, a unique style
               contains tales, legends, and rituals.               emerged as time passed.
            B)  Unlike oral tradition, which is based on        B)  While there was an initial influence of the
               gathering accounts of past events, oral history     Seljuk in Ottoman glass art, a unique style
               consists of myths and legends.                      eventually emerged.
            C)  Oral history, in contrast to oral tradition, which   C)  At first, Ottoman glass art was dominated by a
               is concerned with preserving cultural heritage,     distinct style, but over time, the Seljuks gained
               leaves out folktales and rituals.                   power.
            D)  Oral tradition, as opposed to oral history,     D)  A unique style emerged over time, although
               which concentrates on recording historical          the Seljuk influence was initially predominant in
               occurrences, contains legends.                      Ottoman glass art.
            E)  Oral tradition includes tales, legends, and     E)  Ottoman glass art gradually gained a distinct
               rituals, unlike oral history, which only tells      style, though it had previously been under the
               stories about history.                              Seljuk influence.

        78.  Film  festivalleri,  çeşitli  filmleri  ve  yapımcıları   80.  Sone geleneği 13. yüzyıla kadar uzansa da onu
            bir araya getirdiğinden sinema endüstrisi için      14.  yüzyılda  popüler  hâle  getiren  İtalyan  şair
            önemlidir.                                          Petrarca’dır.

            A)  Since they provide a connection between         A)  Though the sonnet tradition dates back to the
               various filmmakers, film festivals are important    13  century, it was the Italian poet Petrarch
               for the film industry.                              who popularised it in the 14  century.
            B)  Film festivals are important for the cinema     B)  Although the sonnet form emerged in the 13
               industry because they bring various films and       century, it became popular with the Italian poet
               producers together.                                 Petrarch in the 14  century.
            C)  Owing to their ability to gather a number       C)  The sonnet tradition began in the 13  century
               of films and filmmakers, film festivals are         even though the famous Italian poet Petrarch
               significant in the cinema industry.                 used it in the 14  century.
            D)  Film festivals are very significant to the world   D)  Despite the 14 -century Italian poet Petrach’s
               of cinema, as they bring various films and          fame with the sonnet form, it actually started in
               producers together.                                 the 13  century.
            E)  Film festivals are important in the world of    E)  The sonnet tradition became popular with the
               cinema due to the introduction of various films     Italian poet Petrarch, but it actually emerged in
               and filmmakers.                                     Italy in the 14  century.

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