P. 154

THEME 7                             CLOZE TEST

         1. - 5. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada                6. - 10. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
         numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük             numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
         veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                               veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        Geriatrics is the branch of medicine that only treats older   In  today’s  fast-paced  world,  consumerism  has
        people with high-quality, patient-centred care. As people   invaded  every  aspect  of  our  lives.  Individuals  have
        get older, they have different problems and worries that   never-ending   desires   and   strive   for   instant
        geriatric  clinicians  are  trained  (1)----.  Some  illnesses,   contentment  (6)----  adverts  that  promise  happiness  is
        diseases,  and  medications  may  have  (2)----  different   just  one  purchase  away.  This  leads  to  a  cycle  of  endless
        effects  on  older  adults  compared  to  younger  adults.    consumption  often  leaving  us  feeling  empty  (7)----.
        (3)----,  older  patients  may  have  health  problems  that   (8)----,  beyond  the  overflowing  closets  and  latest
        overlap and need more than one medication. Geriatricians   tech  gadgets,  there  is  a  growing  awareness  of  the
        work (4)---- the health of older individuals by preventing   environmental  and  emotional  damage  that  excessive
        and treating illnesses and formulating care plans that suit   consumption  causes.  This  awakening  has  raised
        their specific health needs. (5)---- their expertise, geriatric   interest in more sustainable and (9)---- living practices.
        clinicians can provide comprehensive and individualised   As  we  stand  at  this  crossroads,  it  is  clear  that
        care to help the seniors sustain their independence and   changing our priorities could pave the way for a more
        quality of life.                                    balanced  and  fulfilling  life.  After  all,  true  happiness
                                                            (10)---- but must be cultivated from within.

        1.   A) to address                                  6.   A) due to
             B) having addressed                                B) other than
             C) addressing                                      C) instead of
             D) to have addressed                               D) as well as
             E) to have been addressed                          E) in the light of

        2.    A) supportively                               7.    A) along
             B) compulsorily                                    B) underneath
             C) inequitably                                     C) behind
             D) fundamentally                                   D) inside
             E) tactfully                                       E) above

        3.    A) Briefly                                    8.    A) In fact
             B) Also                                            B) Therefore
             C) That is                                         C) For example
             D) Thus                                            D) Otherwise
             E) If so                                           E) However

        4.    A) down                                       9.    A) compatible
             B) next to                                         B) fierce
             C) since                                           C) mindful
             D) out of                                          D) isolated
             E) for                                             E) mutual

        5.    A) But for                                    10.   A) must not be bought
             B) In pursuit of                                   B) should not be bought
             C) For all                                         C) cannot be bought
             D) Thanks to                                       D) would not be bought
             E) In advance of                                   E) may not be bought
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