P. 156

THEME 7                      SENTENCE COMPLETION

         21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
         şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

        21.  ----  in  that  it  boosts  their  confidence  and   23.  ----;  nonetheless,  they  frequently  give  support
            teaches them the value of contributing to the       and companionship to each other, particularly
            family and society.                                 during tough times.
            A)  Modern parents often struggle to balance their   A)  Family members come together on special
               busy schedules with quality time spent with         days and prioritise unity and cooperation
               their children
                                                                B)  Siblings may have different interests and
            B)  Too much control from parents can prevent          personalities, which can lead to arguments
               children from developing problem-solving         C)  Neighbours help one another with small chores
               skills                                              and lend a hand when necessary
            C)  Giving children responsibilities and tasks      D)  Grandparents can help with the children and
               appropriate for their age and abilities is          take care of them when the parents are busy
                                                                E)  Close friends attend family dinners and
            D)  Parents should encourage their children
                                                                   reunions, bringing joy and inclusion to the
               to form healthy eating habits by offering
               nutritious foods
            E)  Excessive screen time in children can disrupt
               sleep patterns and decrease physical activity

        22.  In  addition  to  offering  the  opportunity  to   24.  While social media allows users to communicate
            explore diverse educational environments and        with  people  from  many  different  groups  and
            instruction styles, ----.                           cultures, ----.
            A)  there are other options for students            A)  businesses and entrepreneurs use different
               participating in exchange programmes to             advertising methods to market their products or
               engage with local communities                       services
            B)  exchange students can seek assistance           B)  it is a tool for raising awareness about
               and guidance from host institutions’ support        social concerns and organising support for
               services                                            humanitarian projects
            C)  it is essential for exchange students to        C)  overreliance on it for communication can lead
               familiarise themselves with cultural norms and      to misunderstandings and, eventually, damage
               customs as well                                     relationships
            D)  students can improve their problem-solving      D)  using it let people connect effortlessly, develop
               skills by coping with various challenges in a       friendships, and establish community bonds
               foreign country                                  E)  people can share information quickly, which
            E)  student exchange programmes also develop           provides rapid spread of important news
               students’ intercultural communication skills        through it
               and adaptability

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