P. 157

SENTENCE COMPLETION                         THEME 7

        25.  ----, they often struggle with digital accessibility   27.  ----,  they  must  still  prioritise  capacity  building
            due to websites and apps incompatible with          and education to ensure lasting self-reliance.
            those developments.
                                                                A)  Although rural development programmes
            A)  As hearing-impaired individuals are now able      might face challenges in terms of funding and
               to participate in Internet-based activities more   resources
               easily                                           B)  Since investing in rural people is essential for
            B)  Seeing that some people with visual               sustainable development and poverty reduction
               impairments search for educational materials     C)  If the economic potential of rural communities
               from digital libraries                             is often neglected due to a lack of access to
            C)  Even if those with physical disabilities          resources
               sometimes face challenges in public spaces       D)  Once rural areas’ vitality is increased through
               and recreational activities                        different kinds of projects that strengthen
            D)  Much though disabled individuals may              collaboration
               occasionally benefit from assistive              E)  Unless rural areas are coming up with their
               technologies, such as screen readers               own creative ideas to address opportunities as
            E)  Since people with disabilities in many parts of   well as issues
               the world increasingly rely on online resources
               for everyday tasks

        26.  One  of  the  most  fundamental  principles  of   28.  Initiatives  should  be  introduced  to  recognise
            gender equality and workplace justice is equal      and appreciate older individuals’ contributions
            pay for equal work; ----.                           ----.
            A)  as a consequence, many women are                A)  due to the perception that they are resistant to
               increasingly showing up in leadership roles in     change and have difficulty learning new skills
               a diverse variety of industries                  B)  even if they have a lot to share about making
            B)  hence, employers must establish practices         life more rewarding and fair for all age groups
               to ensure all employees are paid fairly,         C)  whereas they should decide the timing and
               regardless of gender                               pace of their departure from the labour force
            C)  furthermore, addressing only pay gaps is
                                                                D)  in order that they feel included and valued
               unlikely to solve all concerns related to
                                                                  within the workplace environment
               inequalities between genders
                                                                E)  despite the fact that they have dedicated years
            D)  nevertheless, it is essential to provide women    of service and expertise to their respective
               with equitable representation in positions of      fields
            E)  that is, creating an environment that promotes
               respect and tolerance is crucial for achieving
               true equality

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