P. 162

THEME 7                      DIALOGUE COMPLETION

         41. - 48. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
         bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi

        41.  Jackson:                                       42.  Margaret:
            –   Do  you  know  anything  about  the  new        –   Have you noticed any changes in the
                community garden project?                           way  we  care  for  elderly  family  members
            Katty:                                                  compared to the past?
            –   Yes,  I  do!  I’ve  actually  been  thinking       Joe:
                about  joining.  It  seems  like  a  fantastic   –   Yeah,  I  think  there  have  been  some
                opportunity to connect with our neighbours          significant  changes.  Nowadays,  there  are
                and contribute to our community.                    more  options  available,  like  home  care
            Jackson:                                                services and assisted living facilities.
            –   ----                                            Margaret:
            Katty:                                              –   ----
            –   Absolutely! It’s inspiring to see everyone      Joe:
                come together for a common cause. Count         –   It’s a bit of both, I think. While there are more
                me in! Let’s sign up together.                      choices available, understanding them and
                                                                    making decisions can be overwhelming.
            A)  I couldn’t agree more! Collaborating on a
               project like this strengthens our bonds and      A)  You’re right. Do you believe these changes
               brings us together.                                 have affected the quality of care for elderly
            B)  I think it’s great that they’re organising         family members?
               something like this for the community, but it’s   B)  I see your point, but what do you think are the
               just not my thing.                                  main factors contributing to these changes in
            C)  I’ve been so caught up with work lately that I     elder care?
               haven’t had the chance to explore community      C)  Have you considered the potential impact of
               projects.                                           cultural attitudes on elderly family members?
            D)  While I appreciate the intention behind it,     D)  Do you think the increased availability of elder
               I’m not really convinced about the whole            care options has impacted family dynamics and
               gardening idea.                                     relationships?
            E)  It’s not that I’m opposed to the idea, but      E)  Agreed. But do you think these changes have
               I’ve had some bad experiences with similar          made elder care easier or more confusing?

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