P. 159

READING COMPREHENSION                         THEME 7

         32. - 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Mustafa  Kemal  Atatürk,  the  founder  of  the  Republic   33.  One can understand from the passage that ----.
        of  Türkiye,  says,  “Children  are  the  assurance  of  our
        future. It is all our human duty to raise today’s children   A)  the treaty fails to establish a legal basis that
        as  tomorrow’s  adults.”  He  stresses  the  responsibility   guarantees children the right to receive a
        that  all  humanity  shares  in  protecting  children.  With   quality education
        the  same  goal,  the  international  agreement,  the    B)  racial stereotypes are the biggest obstacles
        United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child       to creating equal opportunities for children’s
        (UNCRC),  provides  legal  protection  for  all  children.  It   development
        grants every child a set of rights, such as the right to   C)  it is compulsory for authorities to help disabled
        life, development, and protection from all forms of harm   children become self-reliant and integrated
        and abuse. It also prohibits the authorities from denying   into society
        children  access  to  quality  education  and  healthcare
        due  to  their  gender,  race,  or  socioeconomic  status.   D)  the content of the contract consists only of
        Moreover, the treaty requires them to remove all barriers   rights for the development of disadvantaged
        that prevent disabled children from being independent      children
        and community-engaged. It is vital that individuals and   E)  the agreement gives greater responsibility
        authorities  worldwide  promote  and  protect  all  these   to authorities in some countries to protect
        rights to establish fair and equal societies.              children’s rights

        32.  According to the passage, which of the following   34.  What is the passage mainly about?
            is true about the United Nations Convention on       A)  Legal consequences for violating the UN
            the Rights of the Child?
                                                                   Convention on the Rights of the Child
            A)  The most effective way to protect the rights     B)  The viewpoint of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on
               in the contract is the collective efforts of        raising and protecting children
               individuals in society.
                                                                 C)  The role of the UN Convention on the Rights
            B)  Exclusion of financially disadvantaged             of the Child in creating fair societies
               children from medical services by those in
               power violates the treaty.                        D)  Responsibilities assigned to authorities for
                                                                   child protection by the UNCRC
            C)  Atatürk’s perspective on the protection of
               children conflicts with the rights guaranteed by   E)  The aim and content of the United Nations
               the convention.                                     Convention on the Rights of the Child
            D)  The agreement, approved by many countries,
               protects children only from some types of
            E)  The convention gives greater priority to
               the protection of the fundamental rights of
               children in certain regions.

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