P. 164

THEME 7                      DIALOGUE COMPLETION

        45.  Arthur:                                        46.  Ruth:
            –   Cities seem to be growing rapidly, but I’m      –   I  feel  so  insecure  about  my  appearance
                not sure that’s all good news. What do you          lately. It seems like everyone looks perfect
                think?                                              except for me.
            Juliet:                                             Jane:
            –   Expanding  and  modernising  sounds             –   There’s this idea of what beauty should be
                good,  but  I  think  urbanisation  has  pros       like in society, and trust me, it’s nonsense.
                and cons.                                           Why  else  do  you  think  it  changes  across
            Arthur:                                                 cultures and time periods?
            –   What do you mean?
            Juliet:                                             –   ----
            –   ----
            Arthur:                                             –   No, honey. It is in the eye of the beholder,
                                                                    and it comes from within.
            –   That’s true. It’s a double-edged sword.

                                                                A)  I agree that it is subjective, but don’t you think
            A)  I’m not entirely sure, but I think urbanisation is   there are still certain standards?
               universally beneficial without any downsides.
                                                                B)  They say your uniqueness is what makes you
            B)  The increased social and economic                  truly beautiful. Do you agree?
               opportunities in cities are definitely a positive
               aspect.                                          C)  Kindness, compassion, and other inner
                                                                   qualities are what truly make someone
            C)  It contributes to the loss of green spaces and
               natural habitats, impacting biodiversity.           beautiful, aren’t they?
                                                                D)  It makes me wonder, though, if there’s such a
            D)  I don’t want to leave the city, as it provides     thing as universal beauty or if it’s completely
               social networks through various activities.
            E)  It brings social and economic growth, but it    E)  That’s a great point. It’s like beauty is a
               also creates challenges like congestion and         reflection of the values and ideals of a
                                                                   particular time and place.

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