P. 168

THEME 7                             SITUATION

         57. - 64. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
         olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

        57.  Your  daughter  has  always  been  passionate   59.  You are about to graduate from high school and
            about animals, and after much discussion, you       are planning to take a gap year before starting
            finally agree to adopt a dog. She promises to       college.  You  want  to  travel  and  get  some
            shoulder  the  responsibility  of  caring  for  the   real-world  experience,  but  your  parents  are
            pet. However, as the weeks pass, you notice         concerned that a year away from academic life
            that  the  excitement  has  worn  off  and  the     could lead to a lack of focus and change your
            responsibilities are falling on you. So you say     goals.  However,  you  are  determined  to  take  a
            to express your disappointment: ----                break and try to convince them of its potential
                                                                benefits to your future self. So you say: ----
            A)  I appreciate your enthusiasm for getting a
               dog, and I trust you’ll take good care of it.    A)  Everyone takes a gap year nowadays. It’s
                                                                   not like I’m going to miss out on anything
            B)  I feel let-down that the responsibility for our
               dog has mostly fallen on me. Let’s revisit our      important.
               agreement.                                       B)  It’ll help me become more self-confident, handle
                                                                   challenges, and make decisions on my own.
            C)  It’s fine; I have some free time these days. I
               can help out with walks and feeding as well.     C)  I’ll just travel around and figure things out as I
            D)  I know it’s sometimes overwhelming to have a       go. Who needs a plan anyway?
               pet, but at least you can play with it.          D)  I promise I’ll spend the whole year doing volunteer
            E)  I’m tired of you not keeping your promises. I’m    work in exotic locations. It’ll be amazing.
               sorry, but I can’t care for the dog with all this   E)  I’ve already delayed my college acceptance, so
               running around.                                     it’s not like I have much of a choice.

        58.  One of your friends is a working professional   60.  You are a university student sharing a flat with
            in  her  mid-thirties,  and  she  has  been         a friend. Your roommate is messy and almost
            considering  returning  to  school  to  pursue  a   never helps you out with the housework. One
            master’s  degree  in  her  field  of  interest.  She   day,  you  specifically  ask  her  to  take  out  the
            is, however, burdened by the choice because         garbage bags, and she agrees. After two days
            she  knows  there  will  be  challenges.  You  see   have passed, the bags are still on the kitchen
            the difficulties, but you want to motivate her by   floor. So, you say sarcastically: ----
            thinking about the benefits she will receive. So
            you say: ----                                       A)  Seriously? I asked you to take out the garbage
                                                                   bags two days ago. Can you keep your word
            A)  It’s right to feel stressed about challenges. I’m just   just for once?
               a little surprised that you think it is the right time.
                                                                B)  Fine, I’ll handle the garbage bags myself,
            B)  I know you’re worried about the homework, but      like always. It’s not like I can rely on you for
               have you considered the potential benefits?         anything, anyway.
            C)  It’s normal to feel anxious about returning to   C)  I see your laundry is on a sightseeing tour
               school, but remember the sense of success           of our flat. Maybe it’s time to give it a map or
               and pride you’ll feel.                              some directions.
            D)  I’m sure that there are alternative ways to     D)  Hey, I noticed the garbage bags are still here.
               improve your career without pursuing a              Can you please take them out when you have
               master’s degree.                                    a moment?
            E)  Will it be worth it to spend your money and     E)  Oh, look, the garbage bags are enjoying their
               time on additional education to boost your          stay. I guess they’re waiting for a farewell party
               career?                                             to leave.

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