P. 171

PARAGRAPH COMPLETION                         THEME 7

        69.  E-learning  has  risen  in  popularity,  granting   71.  Customs  and  traditions  play  a  vital  role  in
            students access to education via the Internet.      shaping  the  cultural  identity  of  a  community.
            Through   e-learning   platforms,   learners        These  practices  reflect  historical  and  social
            engage  with  interactive  lessons,  videos,  and   values,  enhancing  a  sense  of  belonging.  ----
            quizzes,  making  the  learning  experience         Traditional  storytelling  methods,  for  instance,
            more  dynamic  and  personalised.  ----  This       may  be  replaced  by  digital  media  formats,  or
            opens  doors  for  lifelong  learners  and  those   clothing styles may be updated. Despite these
            seeking  to  pursue  education  alongside  work     changes,  many  communities  try  to  preserve
            or  other  responsibilities.  Overall,  e-learning   their  unique  traditions,  recognising  their
            offers  a  convenient  and  effective  way  to      importance in fostering unity and cultural pride.
            acquire  knowledge  and  skills  in  today’s
            digital age.                                        A)  Moreover, contrary to popular belief,
                                                                   modernisation often reinforces traditions and
            A)  Despite their convenience, e-learning              ensures their continuity.
               platforms often struggle with technical issues   B)  The acceptance of contemporary practices
               that disrupt learning.
                                                                   promotes cultural diversity and develops global
            B)  It allows learners to collaborate with             understanding.
               classmates and instructors through online        C)  On the other hand, the preservation of cultural
               forums and discussion boards.
                                                                   customs may prevent societal progress and
            C)  Thanks to e-learning platforms, learners can       innovation.
               connect and socialise with their classmates.     D)  The commitment to outdated traditions may not
            D)  Its flexibility enables learners to set their own   always be adequate to strengthen that feeling
               pace and schedule without being limited by          of integration.
               time or place.                                   E)  However, as societies evolve, some customs
            E)  Its methods and technology are vital for both      may change or disappear due to modernisation
               student education and staff professional            and globalisation.
               growth in the workplace.

        70.  Burnout  is  a  state  of  emotional,  physical,   72.  A  key  component  of  successful  parenting  is
            and  mental  exhaustion  caused  by  constant       effective communication, which plays a vital role
            stress or excessive workload. It often occurs       in building a strong parent-child relationship. ----
            when individuals become overburdened, worn          By engaging in open and honest conversations,
            out, and unable to meet the demands placed          parents  can  create  a  safe  space  where
            on  them.  ----  Apart  from  job  performance,  it   children  feel  understood  and  valued.  Clear  and
            can  also  affect  other  aspects  of  a  person’s   age-appropriate communication helps in setting
            life, like their social relationships and overall   expectations and boundaries, making it easier for
            well-being. Hence, it is essential to recognise     children to comprehend and follow rules.
            the  signs  of  burnout  and  seek  professional
            support if necessary.                               A)  They should model and demonstrate to
                                                                   youngsters the importance of behaving with
            A)  Burnout can make it hard for people to connect     ethics and showing respect for others.
               with others and even lead to some health issues.
                                                                B)  It involves not only speaking but also actively
            B)  Through stress management techniques, one          listening to your child’s thoughts, feelings, and
               can prevent it and have a healthy work-life         concerns.
                                                                C)  Spending time outdoors and participating in
            C)  Its symptoms may include a lack of motivation,     physical activities together can enhance family
               reduced productivity, and feeling detached from     bonding.
                                                                D)  Encouraging children to participate in
            D)  Some college students experience burnout           extracurricular activities can also strengthen
               because of high academic pressure and               their social skills.
               financial stress.
                                                                E)  Promoting a sense of security may be achieved
            E)  Stress and burnout are often regarded as the       by parents through their presence, empathy,
               same thing, but they are actually different from    and leadership.
               each other.

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