P. 169

SITUATION                            THEME 7

        61.  Your company has recently hired a new team     63.  You  are  planning  a  charity  event  to  fund
            member who is from Brazil. She has been the         after-school  programmes  for  disadvantaged
            subject  of  questions  from  your  colleagues      children.  During  a  team  meeting,  one  member
            about her culture, language, and background.        suggests social media promotion, while another
            These  questions  seemed  well-meant  at            offers  traditional  fundraising  events  like  bake
            first,  but  you  notice  that  they  are  becoming   sales.  You  think  both  suggestions  should  be
            disturbing or insensitive. You want to handle       utilised,  as  social  media  can  reach  a  wider
            the situation and say to the other colleagues       audience quickly, and traditional events provide
            critically: ----                                    direct community involvement. So you say: ----
            A)  Can we stop the cultural sensitivity nonsense?   A)  Conventional ways to raise funds are outdated.
               It’s getting in the way of our productivity.        We should prioritise social media adverts for
                                                                   the greatest effect.
            B)  I’m sure she’s used to being questioned by
               now. Brazilians are pretty laid-back, right?     B)  Each of the two ideas has specific advantages.
            C)  Let’s keep the focus on work-related matters       To me, applying both will maximise fundraising
               and not bother her with questions, please.          potential.
            D)  I can see that you need some training on        C)  I think it’ll be better if we limit our efforts to
               the importance of privacy and personal              traditional funding methods to get people
               boundaries.                                         directly involved.
                                                                D)  If you ask me, events like bake sales are too
            E)  Do you mind if we continue asking you
               questions about Brazil? We’re genuinely             time-consuming. So, we had better stick to the
               curious about your culture.                         other strategy.
                                                                E)  In my opinion, more affordable activities
                                                                   can encourage wider participation from the

        62.  You and your best friend have been close since   64.  You have been working as a graphic designer
            childhood.  However,  recently,  she  has  been     for  a  small  firm.  Your  boss  approaches  you
            missing your calls and not responding to your       with  an  opportunity  to  lead  a  high-profile
            messages, which is something she has never          project  that  could  be  a  turning  point  for  your
            done before. You have begun to feel a sense of      career.  However,  it  requires  working  overtime
            distance and unease, and you are wondering          frequently.  You  express  your  enthusiasm,  yet
            if something is wrong between you two. You          you reject it by addressing the concern about
            bump into her at the school cafeteria. So you       work-life balance. So you say: ----
            kindly say: ----
                                                                A)  I appreciate it, but I must decline as the
            A)  Hey! Where have you been? Did you discover         extended hours will prevent me from doing my
               a parallel universe where phones don’t exist?       best.
            B)  Enough is enough! You’re always doing this.     B)  Leading a major project is an honour, but the
               Why are you ghosting me this time?                  additional hours might affect my mental health.
            C)  Oh, look who decided to grace me with their     C)  I’m excited about leading such a significant
               presence! Why didn’t you bother to reply to         project and ready to put in the extra hours.
               my messages?                                     D)  I’m honoured, but I don’t think I’m the right
            D)  I always knew something like this would            person for it, as I also value my personal time.
               happen sooner or later. You’re so unreliable.
                                                                E)  Thanks for considering me, but I prefer to stick
            E)  Hey there! I’ve noticed we haven’t been in         to my current responsibilities to avoid stress.
               touch as much lately. Is everything okay?

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