P. 165

DIALOGUE COMPLETION                         THEME 7

        47.  Lily:                                          48.  Jade:
            –   Recently, I’ve watched several                  –   School isn’t just for the young any more,
                documentaries on different tribes around            right?
                the world.                                      Ruby:
                                                                –   Yes,  education  is  a  lifelong  journey.  It’s
            –   Are  there  any  specific  tribes  that  have       about  gaining  knowledge  and  skills  all
                caught your attention more than others?             through life.
            Lily:                                               Jade:
            –   Yes,  the  Maasai  tribe  and  its  rituals  are   –  ----
                quite  interesting,  especially  the  Eunoto      Ruby:
                                                                –   Indeed, but it’s not just formal education;
                                                                    it  includes  online  courses  and  even
            –   ----                                                workshops.
            Lily:                                               Jade:
            –   It’s  more  than  just  the  competition,  you   –   Thanks!  It  really  has  broadened  my
                know? For them, it’s a rite of passage that         perspective.
                marks their transition into warriors.
                                                                A)  Does lifelong learning mean I can take up any
            A)  Do you mean the one with the jumping contest?      kind of study or skill that I want?
               Yes, it’s fascinating. Guys jump over thorn      B)  Should I focus on learning things that are
               bushes like nothing!
                                                                   related to my work, or can it be anything?
            B)  I’ve never heard of that before. Could you tell
                                                                C)  What about people who have retired? Can they
               me more about its significance?
                                                                   also continue learning new things?
            C)  What exactly takes place during it? Do dance    D)  Is this lifelong learning the same as going to
               competitions or other kinds of events happen?
                                                                   night school or something different?
            D)  Do they conduct traditional dances and wear     E)  People talk about studying outside of school.
               brightly coloured clothes at the ceremony?          Do you mean that by lifelong learning?
            E)  Oh, I think I’ve heard of that. Isn’t it the
               ceremony where young men dance around a

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